now before we begin our journey to
reaching a higher power a higher form of
Consciousness our connection with the
Divine it is important that we as
a collective know where we come from our
true shared
history of where we come from and our
true shared
future as to where we are
headed will be the unifying
factor that allows us all to come
together in peace and
Harmony because we now have the full
understanding of the human
potential and without
this historical
knowledge of past and
future the history of the future the
history of the
past we will always be a
lost soulless species constantly
looking for what we know is out there
because we know that what we've been
told do not quite fully sit right while
it is the best of what we can do now we
know there is something
more that we're not connected to that we
maybe once were and once will
be and that is why my return now is to
bridge that
Gap so let us start with our shared
history of the
future and then I will bring it full
Circle to our shared history of our
past now while origin stories are
complicated and can be told in many
ways and through many different
interpretations uh whether it be
scientific theological
mathematical uh
cosmological All the Above into one
which is what this book will attempt to
answer and put straight
forward without so much allegory
and keep it on terms that we can all
kind of relate to in this Common
Era the
future is for all of us and in that
most people feel that this planet will
suffer a cataclysmic
event this is a predominant thought
within all societies amongst all
people and there are those that have
already put things in motion to preserve
our ways preserving our seeds preserving
our DNA our
history placing it in v s vaults uh
bunkers uh hidden
caves so that if this cataclysm does
when it
comes that we as a species will not be
forgotten that maybe somewhere down the
line whoever whomever Whatever May
uncover these things and go wow that
must have been one heck of a
so let's extrapolate this out as Earth
marches towards its inevitable
future and the more we advance into that
future the more scientific we get and
with that science comes special
knowledge of being able to do things
that we were not able to do
before send Vehicles into deep space
perhaps and and maybe somewhere in that
future we all agreed that sending a
probe out with all of our
DNA past present future in other words
we can load this probe out with dinosaur
DNA all the FAA
DNA plant
mammal um compositional makeup of of
what our Earth is history
everything that recorded history
everything that we think is of us by us
for us and is
us and we put it all up into this
prob this spherical
probe that we launch into deep
space and this deep space probe is on a
mission knowing that possibly our planet
is going to fail us
we need to seek out and find a new home
a new
place for
mankind this is where the future is
headed and at the same time it is what
has already
happened and has become our past let me
explain this probe that we sent out this
satellite traveled for eons and
searching throughout
space for a
planet that
mankind with all of our trappings of
this Earth
plants animal everything cultures
that we could call home
again and when this satellite this
probe this scout ship finally found what
it considered a suitable
Planet it immediately Tethered to it and
that is when our history
began Mankind's Lifeboat this life
began analyzing the
planet and figuring out how best to
terraform it to execute the orders
mankind gave it to fulfill its
obligation of
continuing our way of
life so it found a hospital Planet not
quite the way we knew
ours we know
ours and it was assigned the task of
terraforming that
planet so that
mankind could flourish throughout the
Galaxy and I have to
emphasize that there was more than one
probe sent
out there were many LIF Stars sent
out Mankind we
us did not want to risk or take any
so obviously you don't just try it
once you you do as much as you can to
make sure that you know every animal's
instinct is survival
and in the far off history of our
future mankind with its technical
prowess has the
ability to
initiate this kind of
movement to make this
happen so these life Stars this life
attached itself to a planet tethered
itself and began to paraform it so that
it could download its
programming download the DNA
sequences and histories of all
mankind and plant and fauna and animal
just everything that that you know
watered like everything that is
everything was coated and placed into
the this all of our elements
Metals scientific discoveries again this
is so far in the history of our future
that you can't even begin to realize
what we've already uncovered and
discovered by the time we do this so
when we send it to one of these
vacant asteroid like planets that really
have no life on it we are essentially
using Mankind's
knowledge that
we gained over the
ages through our shared interest and
participation and love and
peace so that we could make this outcome
happen and now Through the Ages and
Neons of this LIF star traveling it has
found another
world that it can terraform so that we
can recreate ourselves all over
again but it needed to slightly
terraform this
So based on the
size of the probe itself which is why in
the future when we make these LIF Stars
we made them at various
sizes and we'll get into more of that
later when
it found the planet it was going to
terraform it had to dock
specifically in a
location that would allow it to
manipulate the planet's gravitational
forces within the cosmos
itself to act as a
Rudder and
drive and dictate
the movements of said
planet that is how we were able to
it now as science goes the first thing
you must do is
observation then analysis of the data of
observation and then based on those two
things the corrective measures to move
forward with the objective in
mind each
time the LIF star would make these
objective decisions on how to
self-correct the rudder and trajectory
of the
planet a cataclysm would
occur no different than if you're in an
airplane or a boat or a car and you turn
the steering wheel hard right or hard
left everyone's going to you know pull
be pulled to one side and as we all know
lifar has that kind of pull over the
Waters of the
now these
observations and data analysis and self
Corrections would go on for millions of
years almost unfathomable to the human
mind but we created
systems in this day and age it's called
AI but that's a fallacy and term and we
will get into that
later and this intelligence
controlled the entire
process news flash it still controls it
today these LIF stars are still in
today is only the
middle of our shared
future and our shared
past both of which are the history of
now over time these lifar Scout probes
that mankind sent
out to progress the
future of our species and that of all of
kind became less and less known as an
earth star the further it got away from
where it was sent and as it allocated
themselves onto their host
planets that they were
terraforming over
time these
Earth life
Stars became known as
moons and these
moons are forever
attached to those planets that they are
making way for
Consciousness a material
manifestation of the Divine into a
captured body is a
shared thought across the galaxies as
the Galaxy is one thought itself as
above so below as small so big as within
without this
conscious Universe manifests itself over
and over and over
again and it is always
us therefore we will never
find what is perceived
popularized amongst media as
aliens the the aliens are just
us either in our historical future or in
our historical
past as true conscience and true
Spirit can be only one and this is the
power The
Singularity of all time and space and
the continuum
existence ex
itself which manifests
itself into tangible
reality and this tangible
reality brought us to the fact that we
ourselves in our historical future
seated the
Galaxy all of it all the galaxies the
universes with our own
selves and this plays out over and over
and over and over
again and this is the
planting of the origin
seed via the life
stars that we sent out through the
to find
ourselves begin
ourselves become
ourselves and stay
ourselves mankind
forever Eternal Heaven on Earth
From Mark Christopher Garrett
in the primordial ages and prehistoric
times the rudder lifar moon to the
earth movements to self
adjust for the terraforming of said
planet did not need to be so precise as
it was like going out and taming a wild
animal a a a a a shooting star a lost
asteroid and we would
harness this vessel this body of mass
and reain it in to a cyclical movement
that we
predetermined now this is very
important we did
this we set these things in
motion so when we began to terraform it
over millions of years to get it
acceptably ready for holding the species
that mankind deems it necessary to have
Consciousness in material form on a said
Planet it was more chaos
and jerk
movements to allocate things in proper
space time for the tra trajectory needed
to put the planet in the motion that we
need it to be in with all the side
components intact uh whether we need to
needed to create them or not and we will
get into that
later now getting back to this specific
planet that we are on now that you are
listening to this or reading this
from this is what
transpired so
the LIF star that was initially sent out
from our historical
future became our historical past and
became known as the
moon and now this moon is Tethered to
this planet and acting as its water
guiding it on its path through the
once it got to a time where it became
more important to have more isolated
concentric and and precise adjustments
in the movement of the
trajectory of the water for the planet
to guide it in other words we already
found our main path we've already
reoccurred it several times but now
we're micro adjusting that path well at
this point in time it's important as
with anyone that knows anything about
architecture and
science it was best to set up
markers on said
Planet keep in mind said planet is also
a living conscious entity and we'll get
into more of that later and this planet
growing so as the planet
grows the the moon Rudder
lifar has to adjust accordingly to keep
it on that trajectory that we
predetermined for it and that's a key
word we predetermined for it this
trajectory ends up forming in every case
a figure
eight we will get into more of that
later but that figure8 movement is very
important in understanding the cyclical
movement of our planetary system the
cosmos the Galaxy as it relates to time
itself because when we created that
cosmology when we created those
movements by setting those things in
motion we created time itself for that
planet that was part of what we had to
do as scientist when we designed the
LifeStar to to
capture a body in space and terraform it
into a livable
planet now as the terraforming
progressed and it became time to start
seeding the planet with the Biologicals
that we had harnessed and captured and
put into our LIF
star we did this over a period of time
to give it the best simulation of how
things would occur naturally we didn't
just create everything all at once
because that's not how creation works it
long amounts of
Time and
Time is what we exchange in the future
money think about that for a moment so
time is the most valuable commodity out
there so we had to invent create
manufacture these life stars that we
sent out to the galaxies to capture
these masses and bodies create them and
terraform them into living Earths for
Humanity with that in
mind now getting back to this particular
Earth the way it was set up with the COS
cosmology and all all of them more I to
ride a figure8 system the middle of that
figure8 is the
crossroads and that becomes a metaphor
for again my dying on the
cross as that's where you will see over
o over Millennials
that it's a it's a very delicate place
to be in for Earth as far as cataclysms
when it gets to the other side and does
its full
circle it it it's safer especially the
further outside the extremities it goes
with that Circle and then it crosses
that Crossroad again dies on the cross
and then has to go again full circle
around the other side these two sides
are shown over and over again in all of
um uh cultures whether in South America
or over in Africa or over Europe it
doesn't matter the colors are red and
blue the top of the Mayan and astecc
pyramids they had two temples on each
top right on a lot of and they were red
and blue police cars red and blue
political parties red and blue this is a
reoccurring theme that we will see over
and over and over again and you will
find that a lot of what we have is
shared Humanity shared Consciousness
across the
galaxies will reoccur over and over
because it's what's ingraved in our uh
DNA memory right we we hold that in our
memory bags Liquid Crystal water is the
ultimate memory holder and these life
Stars moons hold all of that within it
and we'll get into that later as to how
they do that and the the fact that they
are ships that we can get inside and go
into they
are they are are the mothership if you
want to call them that they are also a
death star if you want to call them that
but we call them the lifar because it's
what seeded the Galaxy with all of
mankind but just like anything so
powerful what can create us can destroy
us and when the moon makes its
adjustment even if it's so minor can
cause cataclysmic events on the Earth
that it is watered to therefore we set
up these
markers on the
planet and these markers go back longer
than people can think of and you might
have seen one or two a lot of them are
still buried underneath
Hills they are called
pyramids there are pyramids littered all
over planet Earth whether you go to
Alaska North America South America
Africa Russia you name it your culture
it doesn't matter any other they are
everywhere they are being concealed by a
lot of governments they are being
concealed just because back in the day
we didn't we lost a lot as Mankind and
we lost the aviation purposes of seeing
above and sometimes we you don't see
something you just don't know it's there
now and and as our future progresses
people are starting to
acknowledge that via satellite
photography and other such things we are
recognizing more and more of these
pyramids that exist
everywhere so I don't like using the
term that pyramids are Egyptian or
pyramids or Mexican pyramids come from
our original selves and they are the
markers for the moon to guide it in its
trajectory so they can guide us on the
path that figure a path now why is this
important because those that know the
true understanding of the pyramids and
you have to remember when you think
about all the ancient societies whether
it's Greek
Phoenician um South American it it it
the stone hede and all that stuff what
what do they all have in common they are
all astronomically aligned are they not
and everyone sits there and and and is
pondering how could they do this how
could they sit there and understand that
one degree over 72 years was going to be
the transition of this and and how could
you see that right these kind of things
make no sense but that's because you're
thinking of it wrong well we put it in
motion we knew what the degrees were
because we told it to do that kind of
like when you build a
clock you you tell it how long a second
is and how long a minute will be you
don't retrograde it
backwards you're the one that defined it
so these pyramids that are littered all
over planet Earth are
markers that show the
moon when the planet grows the
trajectory of the planet when it shifts
the rotations and when need be the moon
will make its proper
adjustment self-correct because it's our
letter and it'll put us back on the
right course and when that happens there
will be some sort of cataclysmic event
because the moon as we know it directly
affects the water masses of this Earth
and those water masses are above below
ground and also don't forget the Volcan
oranic activity which is a malleable
form and all of this stuff is
affected so the question still begs who
built the pyramids who built the
cosmological clock that we set all of
buildings um in alignment to that became
the celestial bodies that created our
cosmology and our
astrology who did that
well the moon the LIF star and all of
stored DNA and history of mankind
itself sent down the first batch of
creation to set these things in
motion we now refer to this as the
Giants the reason is because
as you might have noticed in relation to
your planet in the Moon it seems
inconceivable that someone from this
Earth could build something so big and
right the original Earth it came from
was a lot bigger so when it was created
the moon to them was or Earth star in
their world was a lot
smaller now how do I know this to be a
truth like I said in the beginning when
I started my book I can tell the
truth because energy can neither be
created nor
destroyed and all of the Galaxy is
nothing but an energy force it's God and
it can neither be created nor destroyed
the only thing we can do is continue to
de divide it up and every time we divide
it it gets smaller and smaller and
smaller so when the original Earth LIF
star probe found its Planet it was meant
to be the size relation to become its
Rudder to do what it needed to
do when we sent down the first peoples
from our DNA sequence and they were the
Giants we also had the others
implemented with
them what we
never expected to encounter when we did
this was two
things and that's where science
overlooked at the
a that the planets itself no matter
which ones we
found were a life form
itself they never took that into account
when they sent out the probe LIF stars
and the second thing
is that a lot of
these bodies of mass that we found
floating in
space some of them contained life forms
deep within that our probe was not able
to immediately determined was
there therefore once we captured that
body of mass and terraformed it those
living entities also changed with that
and grew with that planet in ways that
were not expected and were ultimately
blended with all of the history of
mankind and the DNA of mankind and
everything we've been talking about and
it became one with it so that those
future probes from that planet now
reflected that
history and again all of these things
shall come to pass and they did come to
pass and that's how we ended up here
where we are
now and so when people try to analyze
these buildings and say how did it
happen how can they see the stars and
it's because we we designed it to be
that way we put that in motion that way
it was our intent
now everyone might be familiar with the
Samaran Kings
list and the Samaran King's
list is important because it shows who
was reigning why we were building the
pyramids and all of these ancient
things and people just don't understand
when they look at the timelines of these
Kings and they say you know how could
someone live so long how how could they
you know it's just not
possible well the fact is it is
possible because when you're a
giant and you're living on one of the
polls and while you're on the pole it's
6 months daylight and 6 months
Darkness so to them one year is as one
day now if you extrapolate the years
from the king's list the Samaran Kings
list and you convert that over you will
see that they live very normal
lives I don't know why this is such a
mystery to people and they never figured
out but that's the answer to that one
and that's also where for all of those
times we were starting to put these
things in motion build the markers and
create societal trappings that became
the history of the planet itself self
and that eventually ended up
becoming the religions and the politics
and everything that we now share
today but remember throughout all of
this no matter what and this is the
reason why we build the markers is the
moon is always going to have to self-
adjust to keep us on that correct path
and every time every time without fail
there will be some sort of cataclysmic
event and I'm not talking about a small
one right hurricanes are not cataclysmic
events tornadoes are not cataclysmic
right even some uh volcanic eruptions
are not cataclysmic events what I'm
about is when the Earth has to adjust
its Rudder to self-correct its course it
is going to be a worldwide cataclysmic
event now all of these markers that we
placed here on the planet were not meant
to bewilder the people of today as to
how it was built and how could they
study the stars and how could they see
all these things and know all this
obviously what they were meant to do was
to alert the people of the day meaning
you now here as to when the next
cataclysmic event will take place
because if you understand the true
geometry math and purpose of all of
these edifices and all of these things
and what they were truly designed to do
then you would understand how to
read what it is telling you just like a
radar or or any other thing that you're
you're looking at and it's giv you
feedback and you will know when the
storm is coming when the cataclysm is
coming it's that
simple so our LIF star the moon not only
had to self-correct its course to keep
our planet terraformed for us to sustain
our life but it also had to
self-correct all of the DNA stored
within it of our past histories so that
it could recalculate how to deliver the
seed properly to the new found Planet
because of the size
differential so that the new growth
would be
proportional that we needed it to be to
the size of the
planet the Giants knowing their purpose
and fate would eventually die off but
their knowledge was supposed to continue
with that
transitioning through the eons and ages
into those that took over and this is
where we come up with all of our
different ancient
civilizations whether it be Phoenicians
or Egyptians or whatever you want to
call them going all the way back even
further than that I mean there's just so
many I can't even begin to tell them all
here those that study this can can sit
there and have list up hundreds and
hundreds of them if not
thousands this is how all of that
developed over time
yet what we do know is as time continues
there will be that cataclysmic event and
a lot of these ancient civilizations did
not know the secrets of the buildings
and the edifices that were built so that
they would know how to predict when
these things would happen that was kept
amongst sometimes just lost but either
kept amongst the higher ups and
eventually a lot of the ancient
civilizations were wiped out sometimes
completely and when these civilizations
were wiped out so to it was the memory
mankind therefore Argo here we are
today as a species with amnesia not
knowing where or hence we truly come
from not knowing where these pyramids
from and this is why I have to bridge
that Gap this is why I had to return
this is why I had to
speak my memories of my
life to the best of the truth that I
know it
From Mark Christopher Garrett
now as I stated earlier initially the
movement of the rudder Moon LIF star uh
did not need to be so precise and since
we did not acknowledge any life forms on
said body of mass it didn't matter how
much we upset the status Quil to make
the movements we needed to make But as
time progressed and we started to se
said body of mass in the Galaxy Sky we
would bring those movements down and try
to harness a a more you know
concise select precise
however sometimes this would still
create such cataclysmic events that
would wipe out entire species and this
is pretty much what
happens with that
final uh Rudder
adjustment make no mistake these things
happen pretty much every 26,000 years uh
give or take it all depends on the
mathematics of your given planet um
based on the size of your planet and the
size of your moon and as I said we sent
off various sizes of LIF stars to seed
the Galaxy with mankind knowing full
that we would need to capture uh masses
of bodies of different sizes that we may
or may not know we're out there so we
game the system a little bit not so not
everyone has the same math however the
principles and the Consciousness behind
all of it is the same if that makes
sense so that being said we are all here
now in this shared home we all call
Earth now up and until the last great
flood worldwide Global flood all
knowledge and all Transcendence was
worldwide this is why all those ancient
cultures and all these things are
reoccurring across the entire planet
After the flood
dissipated and even in some places the
moon had to repopulate from scratch
thank God we saved our DNA there again
this is a living thing in real time it's
not history it's not future it's
now we were able to repopulate certain
places others did survive and Earth was
able to continue
but we had no memory prior to the last
flood therefore AR ago no one knew where
the pyramids came from no one knew where
certain things came from no one knew how
certain things
worked as a species with amnesia we had
to figure stuff out all over
again and this creation of
imagination of the different cultures
across the entire planet created so much
diversity in belief systems while yet at
the same time holding on to the same
belief system
overall and that's the beauty of what
God truly is that no matter where you go
in time and no matter what culture you
study the basic true beliefs are always
inherently the
same what a testament
so after this last great flood Earth
Global Devastation
flood where civilization began to
reemerge this is when we get the stories
of what you're familiar with the
cultures that you're familiar
with the things that they could ground
in absolute or create enough of a story
behind it that people would believe it
and a lot of things that they could not
explain correctly became myth or
fantasy evil became pervasive and began
to take over lost souls searching for
answers began turning to anyone that had
any claim to any validation whether it
was true or
not and this is where we get all of the
ancestry and the and the mythologies and
these other things some based on reality
some not some are are stories that
started as truth but became huge fish
stories where it's so exaggerated and
turned into allegory but yet there's
still people that want to take it
verbatim so again I'm here to bridge
those gaps and show what science really
is for the
creation of our Humanity and our spirit
and all of mankind while still showing
that at the heart of it at the soul of
it it is still God in nature that is
what creates it all and that is the us
inside of the us through the US for the
US by the us whether it is in our future
history or our future past all of it is
us and that guidance and persistence
never ends and it manifests itself as
Consciousness it manifest itself in
ways and we become who we were always
meant to be which is why I have to tell
my story the only way I know how to tell
it so after the last great flood when
the evil became
pervasive governments started coming out
rulers kings queens emperors I mean you
name it it was all about how to control
the people and that could be a good or a
bad thing as in sometimes people just
need the correct guidance to do the
right thing to show the right
morality and overall I think that's what
most religions try to do but somewhere
along the way those that want to
bastardize or corrupt the
religions the the true beliefs the true
systems no matter which main religion
you adhere
to you all know the names of
them there's always good behind the
intent and then you can always find the
bad passages but as a whole of Humanity
Society and
Mankind we always know what's best to
adhere to we always know what is the
right thing to
do and that is why the systems persist
over Millennia at all
time that's why they're debated about
going all the way back through history
and why they will always be debated
going into the future and my
apologies um in anticipation of this new
record now going into those debates and
creating conflict that may come with it
because that's not the
intent but whenever you have free will
of the people to interpr how they want
to interpret and what they want to
interpret we have to expect outcomes
that we did not
perceive and this is why we seed the
Galaxy in case we just blow ourselves up
one day like imagine that imagine that
mankind or our planet was not wiped out
by an asteroid was not wiped out by the
cataclysmic great fla because the moon
had to
self-correct what if we just destroyed
our own planet because of our own self-
greed our own self agulation our own
self egotist
egoism our own self-
narcissism this is a bigger fear for
me than ever being colliding with an
asteroid or the next great
flood we as a people need to always
have the correct beliefs and shared
Bel no matter what your origins of your
beliefs in other words we all want the
same outcome we all want peace we all
want Tranquility we all want the Earth
to thrive and we all want our family to
thrive and we all want good food and
good things and happiness towards all
that's a shared concept we can all work
towards no matter what our historical
backgrounds are and ancient beliefs come
from at the end of the day when taught
correctly and shown correctly people
will begin to understand that all of
those ancient beliefs are actually the
same beliefs therefore we need to all
come back together as one the way we
used to
be I cannot begin to tell you how dism
made I am at seeing all the corruption
lies of
history that's being retold whether it
be in the biblical format theological
governmental I mean historical it's just
ridiculous and I see these other
countries across the globe I see the
United States all of them and I just see
the peoples within and all these lost
souls being taken down the wrong road of
of Despair and dismay by telling them
such lies and then it dawned on me the
people telling the lies think it's truth
in their world they think they're
educating and taking people down the
right path when in reality they're
perpetrating a lie an evil something
that we don't need anymore as a species
it's time to change our
Viewpoint and self realization of who
and what we really are where we really
come from if we're going to succeed as a
true Unified source of of what we truly
are this division Among Us needs to
stop the biggest fallacy pushed among
mankind that I see in in this natural
incarnate new form that I have is the
race Wars when mankind is only one race
the human race I I this division is
unreal it's not it it's just not natural
and it tells me there's a a real evil a
real purpose of evil that's trying to
divide us that's trying to separate us
people and we need to harness that
negative energy and bottle it back
into a place that maybe evil can be used
for good whether to power something that
can be used from it or or heat up
something that can be used from it while
the rest of us sitting around with good
intent and good good you know thoughts
can can can really Excel mankind to
where we need to take it with the
unification of what we really are
because all evil wants to do is divide
us and that's how you all you have to do
is to analyze every situation is it
trying to make you hate something or is
it trying to unify you to
something it's that easy if you come
across anything in your world and it's
trying to teach you hate then that's
evil because it's trying to if you're
trying to hate on something there's only
one us there's only one God there's only
one conscious Eternal thought and so
it's teaching you to hate
yourself if you think you're always you
know upset and and not understanding
what's going on and and the world is
confusing and all of these things and
you got hypertension and you're on all
these meds well maybe that's why
because you're being taught to hate
things but in reality you're being
taught to hate yourself and therefore
you're never truly happy even though you
might have the latest and greatest and
the most expensive of everything the
biggest house on the
Block it's still not satisfying your
soul and without truly knowing where and
from whence we come and the true origins
of whatever culture you may think you
are from even though it's all the same
all one all from the
singularity right we will always be a
species with
amnesia so here I am again to bridge
Gap now among the false history that's
been taught as Doctrine mostly because
they just don't know other they do and
they just fabricate it and other is
true the reality is also
that the Old and New Testament in the
Torah and the Quran all hold valuable
allegories stories and truths that also
need to still be looked into the Dey
Scrolls and any other you know uh
theological um writings that may be out
there whether it be
zarrian noris Egyptian uh Mithra I mean
it it it just it it doesn't really
matter because they all at the heart
have the same
Foundation but for Christian purposes
specifically um my name's sake it became
the Old Testament and the New Testament
uh also proceeding that to a certain
extent the Torah which is the Jewish
Bible and all of these things are just
so important because they do tell a lot
about your particular planet's history
flood and that is important because not
all planets that were seated as we keep
saying are the same and therefore just
like everyone has free will every planet
has its own
destiny and these allegories and stories
sanctioned by the governments over time
and handed out and transcended over the
ages will tell
uh those stories better than I can hear
throughout the whole thing my importance
here is to like I keep saying just
Bridge the gaps that these other books
do not have so that is why I'm saying
these other books are of the utmost
importance when it comes to um learning
about these things but remember that our
original intent was for the Gnostic ways
to to Prevail and
it wasn't for your true knowledge to go
through a book the book is a a guide and
a help towards that gnosticism if that
makes uh sense to you and through that
you may have your Transcendence to the
From Mark Christopher Garrett