Shea Nanna Ginns

by Mark Christopher Garrett


A mischiefing fairy caught up in a search for herself that leads her down a path that forever changes her and all other fairies like her giving them their magical powers they possess through all of time and making them mankinds eternal guides, but only for those that are lucky enough to ever see one.


Table of Contents


Episode 1: Will-O'-The-Wisp

Episode 2: Moon Knight Empire

Episode 3: Mid Knight Collision

Episode 4: The Brothers Grimm


Episode 1: Will-O'-The-Wisp


Moon glows over the Fairy Hills and all across Fairyland as twilight shadows create worlds of enchantment.


One such world of enchantment is that of a fairy that had not yet realized her true potential.


She was just an average ordinary Fairy, just a simple pixie, nothing to brag about or write home about, but all of that was about to change because as fate would have it on this particular night underneath this particular moonglow this particular fairy is about to begin the transformationn of a lifetime.


This particular world of enchantment was just on the other side of Fairy Hills deep inside Fairyland in a place called Fairy Marsh, one of the most densely congested fairy cities of all, full of faries from all categories.


Our story begins in a Fairy schoolyard as twilight is the perfect time to come out and play, flickering and dancing around the skies like fireflies lighting up the swampy marsh already mirroring the moon and it's glow.


On this particular night in this particular schoolyard the pixies were engaged in an innocent game of tag, only one thing is for sure, when it comes to pixies and fairies in general there is no such thing as innocent.




"haha, Tag, your it!" calls out one of the pixies as she dashes across the skyline barely touching another's wingtip


"Haha, no you didn't, wing tips are not allowed, you never tagged me.", yells back another as she darts the opposite way across the sky mirroring her image in the marshy wetness below.


The Fairy Marsh was especially festive tonight as the moon glow was so bright all creatures were out playing in the twilight magic.


There was a great atmospheric energy created by their combined magic and this aura created a will-o'-the-wisp that would often lure travelers of every living creature into their magical enchanting domain.


This night would not be any different as off in the distance was a young human couple lost in the marsh.


He was a confident fool steadily paddeling the oars as if he knew where he was going and she in her best sunday dress still holding her sunbrella as if it was still sunny out was doing her best to remain calm, dignified and regal. When in reality she wanted to go off on him in anger, then

cuddle up to him in panic.


Still the two continued, composed and steadfast.


"Hey look over there, looks like a bunch of lanterns. There must be some people there." she looks towards where he turned the canoe towards and saw the flickering lantern lights for herself.


"Oh yes, goody, that looks like a lot of lanterns, it must be a campsite of some sorts."


The couple continued in the direction of the lights but as they approached it's as if the lights got further away and they could never quite reach them.


"I don't understand, when I started rowing towards the lanterns I did not think they were this far away."


"You paddled us deeper into the marsh, now we will never find our way out!"


The young mans confidence was starting to wear off but he could not let it show and that is when he looked around and saw what was going on around him. He stopped rowing and lifted the oars out of the water.


"What is it?"


"Shhhh, nothing, listen to the beautiful sounds nature is making, it is like a concert, and the moon glow I don't think I have ever seen anything like it anywhere else."


"Are you trying to distract me with moon talk? Where are all the lanterns?, where did the campsite go?"


"Hehe, it didn't go anywhere."


"Then where is it?"


"It is right here! We are in it now."


"No we are not. Where is the campsite?"


"Look around you, all the fireflies, that is what lured us here, there are no lanterns."


"Then where are we?", he looks around calmly at the misty marsh around him and responds confidently, "Together!, We are together.", then he places the oars back into the water and begins rowing again.


As the canoe dissapears into the foggy mist the fireflies turn back into their true fairy form and the pixies playing tag seemed unaffected by the whole event.


All except for one of them that is . . .


"Hey, where ya going, your it!"


"Time out, or play without me, there is something I need to do . . ."


"Need to do? Or want to do?"


"Whats the diff?", as she dashes off after the conoe into the blue glow mist of the marsh.


She catches up to them and flutters just above the water but below the rim of the canoe so as to keep herself and her glow hidden from them while she eavesdrops in on their converstion as her ultimate dream is to one day be real like them so she wanted to study and learn all she could about them.


She overhears the young couple talking, "They say magical beings live in these parts."


"Oh, what kind of magical beings?"


"I don't really know."


"Well, do you know if they are good or evil?"


"They say that depends . . ."


"Depends on what?"


"I don't really know, I'm not really sure, it's just something I've heard . . . that's all."


Our fairy now so distracted by their conversation overlooked the number one rule of the wetlands, . . . never get distracted . . . and seemingly out of nowhere an alligator comes thrusting up out of the water baited by the flickering light of our fairy tucked up next to the canoe.


Her fairy reflexes kick in and within a blink she rises up into the moonlit glow of the mist surrounding them exposing herself in the process. However the young couple were to startled by the alligator and what they thought was its attempt to knock them over to be concerned with what they thought was just a common fire fly.


The young lad quickly used one of the oars and started to swing it at the gator clobering it on it's snout to which it submerged itself back under water returning the instant pandemonium back into the beautiful chirping concert of the not so silent fairy marsh band of crickets and frogs as well as the occasional hoot owl hooting, and without skipping a beat he continues as our fairy settles back into her secret eavesdropping place . . .


"Unfortunately, magic is just a thing of the past. A lost and forgotten art form that of today's world are no living practicioners."


"Oh rubbish, I don't believe there ever was magic at all, it is all just myth and made up fairy tales."


"Fairies!, that's it!"


"Whats it?"


"The magical beings that live out this way, they are called Fairies."


"Oh please tell me you do not prescribe to make believe?"


"No, no, of course not, I was just saying things that I have heard others say . . . thats all . . ., of course I don't believe in such nonsensical bygone era myths or legends . . ."


Water splashes as our alligator crashes out of it again and into the side of the canoe practically flipping it, and this time lodging it's snout against our fairy and thrusting her up and into the boat hitting her head on the rim in the process and knocking her out.


Again our young hero pulls the oar out of the water like a knight in shinning armor would withdraw his sword from his sheath and then wallops the gator over the noggin sending it back under the bubbly marsh.


He turns towards his love, "Are you O.k.?", the moonglow capturing her blank stare. "Are you O.k., please say something? Again she has a blank stare only it is directed towards the floor of the canoe. He looks down to see what she is looking at . . .


"What is that?", she still wouldn't, or couldn't respond as she was in total shock and amazement.


Our young hero thinking quickly reaches towards the jug of sweet tea and dumps it into the swamp, then he uses the empty glass jug to trap our pixie in it, then seals it with a cork.


"Wait a minute, will it be able to breath if you cork it?"


"I don't know, I don't even know if it breaths . . ." as he sets the jug down between the two of them so they could get a better look at it, and as their heads approached our pixie lit up. The two quickly backed away. Our pixie then startled flutters upwards hitting her head on the cork of the jug. She then drops halfway the jug where she hovers and looks back and forth at her captures with an evil look of contempt on her face.


"Wow, she is so pretty, are you sure she can breath maybe we should uncork it."


"Are you kidding. It will escape."


At that point the pixie realized that they could see her in her true form and not as the illusions of glamour used to disguise their true selves. She assumes that if they can see her maybe they can hear her and ultimately even understand her so she figures she has nothing to lose and begins to speak.


"Oh, but I thought I was make believe. Now you are worried I will escape, how can make believe escape?"


The two freeze in amazement, while our pixie who is in just as much amazement as they are at the fact that they can see and hear her speak, yet she acts confident as if it is everyday normal way of doing things.


"I see you think you might have something to gain by taking me back to your world. Let me advise you that would be a big mistake."


"Mighty big talk from such a small being stuck in a jug."


"I don't think you understand the situation, I might be inside your jug, but you are in my swamp, and rest assured it is not me trapped inside this glass vessel but you trapped within my maze of enchantment, therefore you will never be able to leave this marsh in order to take me to your world for gain. (the two humans look at each other in shock), Here is my bargain, I will grant you safe passage back to shore, and upon your arrival back home you will be granted one visit from me proving that I exist and you didn't make me up."


"So, thats it, I don't have to let you out of the jug?"


"I'm magical, I will let myself out."


"How will you find us once we are back home? And who's home mine or hers?"


"Silly fools, in the days of you as one I will visit you once when you need me the most, this is my bargain for safe passage to the shore."


"In the days of me as one, what does that even mean?"


"She gets it, tell him honey, and the fairy clock is ticking so make up your mind, what will it be.", he looks towards his love, "What is she talking about?"


"She means when we are one, . . . when we are married . . . "


"Married?!? Why would we do that?"


"Because I'm pregnant."


"You are?!?"


The two look into each others eyes as the moonglow beams upon them mirroring their image of two as one into the marsh . . .


"Ya, ya, another picture moment, I get it but the clock is ticking so what is your decision will you accept my bargain yes or no?"


He looks at his love and her back at him neither needed to say anything to each other as he responds for the two of them, "Deal, I mean Yes, you have a bargain!


And with that our fairy burst into a flash of light that left pixie dust on everything then she dissapeared into thin air and vanished.


The two bathed in pixie dust yawned and fell quickly asleep never realizing that the canoe had already come ashore.




That next morning the two love birds woke up and stretched.


"Hey look, we are ashore, just like she promised."


"Was that even real? It was all so surreal like a dream", the two looked at the empty jug in between them.


"I don't know, maybe it all was a dream, one thing is for sure I am thirsty, better filler' up before we trek back."


He reaches down toward the jug and picks it up. He put it up to his mouth and uncorks it with his teeth then proceeds to go to dunk it into the marsh to fill it up when all of a sudden the jug lights up and begins to buz then out flies our fairy, "Finally, I didn't think you two would ever wake up! A bunch of sleepy heads."


"Wait, you were in there trapped the whole time?"


"Of course I was! Passing out too by the way, as I was running out of oxygen . . . "


"But we couldn't see you we thought you left . . . "


"I'm a fairy, I was invisible, this is what you get for not believing . . ."


"So, you mean, I had you trapped and could of taken you home?"


"If you say so. Now remember our bargain, when you are one and you need me just call, I will appear.", and poof just like that she dissappeared.


"Call?!?, Call Who?!?, we never got your name!"


and as the wind blew a voice blew in with it,


"Shea Nanna Ginns, that's my name, don't forget it and don't forget our bargain!"



Episode 2: Moon Knight Empire


Class was already in session, and had been for quite some time when Shea tried sneaking up unseen.


All classes are taught out side in nature of course, so Shea thought she could approach without being seen by hiding behind glass blades, river reeds, rocks leaves and such turning invisible while crossing between them and approaching one at a time little by lttle.


She made her way up to her mushroom that was sitting vacant next to her best friends, the one she was playing tag with yesterday, and once she thought she was safely secure in her spot on her mushroom she materialized very slowy using as little energy as possible so as to not make waves or ripples in the forces of nature.


The Fairy Instructer for this session was the renowned Dr. Beatrix of the famed Castle Magic and her years there teaching as a human, her transformation being complete and acheived back and forth at will was the goal and dream of every fairy really as that way they could have the best of both worlds, but the sad truth most are never able to reach that level of success in their studies and transmutations with natural energy flow, but Dr Beatrix was one of the rare ones that could and that made her extra special in Shea's eyes.


Class and this session in particular was overcrowded as everystudent was there from all fairy grades and all fairy schools across fairy land so really sneaking in should of been easy peazy, . . . but . . .


Dr Beatrix without skipping a beat in her instruction changes topic, "Well thank you for your appearance, you are quite the act, a one fairy show I see." (the class snickers, then resume to silence as Dr Beatrix is known to have a short temper although no one has actually seen it for themselves roumor has it so to speak kind of thing.)


A surprised, startled and nervous Shea responds, " . . . Ah, . . . no Dr Beatrix, . . . My apologies for disrupting your session.


"Oh, no disruption at all Shea Nanna Ginns, class is over. Everyfairy dismissed! All but you Shea, come see me."


As all her class mates fluttered off Shea was trying to think of a good reason for being late as the truth she thought would get her into so much more trouble.


Shea flutters over to Dr Beatrix, "Good Day Dr., (as she curtseys in midair)


"Good Day Shea, how are you?


"Oh, I am fine Dr Beatrix, thanx for asking, how are you?"


"Let me rephrase the question child. Why were you absent from my session?"


"Oh, yes Dr, of course, . . . well I was hoping you would not notice me sneaking in . . . "


"Oh, I didn't child, your hoping came to fruition as I never noticed you . . . "


"Then how did you know?"


"First off, never cut me off in mid sentence as I just may sentence you to a different land, one not so enchanting as Fairyland and second I noticed your absence."


"But how?!?, . . . There were so many Fairies from everywhere of all ages and categories, the entire marsh must of been full of them for your special session. . . . how could you possible of known?"


"Easy child, there was a void, your void, one could feel it plain and simple, or I should say rather there was nothing to feel, just a void."


"But among so many?, . . . is that even possible?"


"Yes child this is what we are trying to teach you, all of these things, but most of you can never pass the stage of patience, everybody wants everything in the here and now, overlooking the importance of the forever now."


"Are they not one in the same?"


"No, young one not in the least, not no more distractions, tell me what was so important that you missed my session, I know the last time we talked you said you were looking forward to it."


"Yes, I very much was looking forward to it indeed I was, and I truly did not intend to miss it I really honestly did not, it's just I have but a reason not worthy of forgiving as I broke rules, many rules, and thus a series of events transpired and I ended up missing your class, . . . session."


"Young Fairy you are trying may patience."


"Yes, Dr, my apologies, I wondered off yesterday during twilight recess while we were all playing tag your it. I came upon the shoreline and knowing that we are not yet permited to enter I entered as I heard human voices. I followed the voices as they traveled down many paths and I always behind hiding in the brush so as to not be seen. I was so entranced by that world that I had forgotten the way of the path taken that the human had led me down and it took me all night and most of this morning to find my way back to the Fairy Marsh and when I did I came straight to your session and you know the rest. I know you have warned us of the dangers, yet I could not resist."


"I see. You understand I will have to let the other faculty know of this transgression and we will all make a determination as to your punishment if any. And yes there are dangers out there, but child not in the way that you know, you truly are inept at this time to handle those types of physical situations of reality and time, the world truly functions different there. Relax, you are

almost there, Graduation is coming up after this years Sun, Seed & Soil Festival. Are you ready? Do you have a date yet?"


Blushing, "No Dr, you know I don't think about stuff like that."


"Well maybe you should instead of trying to be deceitfull, like I said I will speak to the Faculty, and you will be issued a hearing for your benefit and protection so you can tell your side of the story to every one face to face, and i suggest try telling the truth next time as don't think for a second I believed a word you said. Now go Shea, and think about what I have told you."


Shea twirls around three times then begins to flutter off.


"Shea Nanna Ginns, remember do not lie to the Fairy Faculty Council . . ."


Shea flutters away.




Glowdrop was hiding behind a reed down the way waiting on Shea to pass by and when Shea fluttered past Glowdrop fluttered up behind and over her and sprinkled pixie dust all over her . . .,


"Hahaha, gottcha, your it, bet you can't catch me!", yells out Glowdrop as she darts away in a contrary direction.


"Glowdrop! Am I glad to see you! I need to tell you something.", she replies while following pursuit, both of them zig zagging through the Fairy Cypress Forest on and in the edge of the marsh.


"Glowdrop! Seriously, wait up, we need to talk."


"Not doing it. You are trying to trick me like you always do."


"What are you talking about, always do . . ."


"You know what I mean . . . "


"Know I don't!"


"Oh well, it is not up to me to explain. It is up to you to catch me those are the rules.", as Glowdrop darts off even faster.


"Fine, two can play this game.", Shea darts off even faster but in an entirely different direction. Glowdrop turns her head to see if Shea is behind her but can not see her.


"Haha, I lost her good now." as she slows down and begins to rise up just above the reeds to see if she can see anything. Her head slowly rises above eye level as she scans out in front of her for

Shea which is no where in sight when out of the blue Glowdrop is tapped on the shoulder from behind.


"Tag your it, now will you please listen to me I have something important I need to talk to you about."


"Listen, . . . Important, . . . Talk about!, . . . how boring, your no fun. Sure whats up, what is on you mind. I bet I know I bet you want to talk about the Sun Seed & Soil Festival and which Mid Knight from the Moon Knight Empire is going to escort you."


"No, nothing like that, something more serious."


"More Serious, Boy you really are boring, what possibly could be more important than the Sun, Seed and Soil Festival escorted by the perfect Mid Knight, why it's the very stuff fairy tales are made of don't you know?"


"Yes Glowdrop and I promise we will talk about the Festival as I do have my eye on a young Officer from the Moon Knight Empire."


"Now see, that sounds interesting!", the two settle down on a couple of mossy rocks by a brook stream running from the spring fed Fairy Marsh.


"Ok, Shea, you have my attention, what is so important, and am I to assume it has everything to do with why you missed Dr Betrix's session today. Not to mention it must be real juicy since you never came home to sleep last night, . . . so maybe this might not be so boring after all, . . . do tell, . . ."


"Glowdrop, you have to promise me you will not tell a sole."


"Promise, now tell."


"I told Dr Betrix a lie."


"Oh no, you didn't., Why?!?"


"Because something happened last night and if I tell, . . . well lets just say I do not want to find out what the punishment would be for it . . ."


Glowdrop seemlingly not paying attention as she catches droplets of water dripping off a leaf from high above.


"You know the ways of the Fairy, what are you going to do?"


"I guess tell the truth, otherwise they will know I am lying."


"See, problem solved, now about that Mid Knight Officer from the Moon Knight Empire you were telling me about lets hear some more about that . . . "


"Uggg, problem not solved, it is not that easy."


"Oh but it is, can't you see you are over complicating things as usual, life is simple when it follows down the path of truth and when it does not, well we all know what happens to life then, the lies like ashes and dust just fade away and at the end of the day you are still left with the truth so you might as well just start from that point, now the Moon Knight Empire Mid Knights, have you seen their new uniforms, this is going to be the best festival in forever.


"Oh, ok, I give in, you are incurageable. There is this Mid Knight that I have in a couple of my classes, and we seem to make eye contact . . ."


"Well have you spoken to each other?"


"Of course not silly, we were in class observing the golden rule of silence."


"Oh, of course, duh. Well do you know his name, what rank is he?"


"Ok, slow down with the questions, this is all I know, he goes by Captain Pan . . ."


"Whoa, whoa, slow down, you are not talking about Prince Pan from beyond the days of Arcadia are you?"


" . . . Could be . . ., why?!? . . . "


"Oh, no reason except he is about as royal as royal blood lines have to go, as in there is no higher, is the direct son of the pyramid builders, . . . you know, . . . the ones that built the moon, he is their direct heir . . . "


"That thing is?!? I thought he must of been lucky to become Captain, too rugged and rough looking to of made it on his own."


"Oh, and you know this for a fact Shea, or are you assuming again?", Shea actually thinks about the question then answers sincerely . . .


"Honestly, I never thought of him like any of that at all, it's just in class he is funny and he makes me smile, and when he looks over at me my heart melts, I never cared who or what he was . . . "


"Well you better he is a bonafide Daine Sidhe from the original home world of the gods. You know when you said you were interested in a Officer of the Moon Night Empire, I knew it would be juicy, but I had no idea you would be talking about the heir to the Empire itself, direct decendant of the moon builders, the place where all magic started, but then again it's you, Shea Nanna Ginns, so of course you would don't you know!




Episode 3: Mid Knight Collision


Time seemed to rapidly speed by as Shea'smind was preocupied.


On the one hand these were great times everyone preparing for the great Sun, Seed, & Soil Festival, and with it Graduation.


. . . but on the other hand she had to meet with the Fairy Faculty Council and explain why she missed a session, and further more she can not lie as they would most certainly know, but if she tells the truth then what if her punishment is to not attend the Festival.


Shea and her best friend Glowdrop were caught up in the excitement along with the entire Fairy village as all across the Fairylands, Fairymounds, Fairymarshes, and Fairyhills all will be attending as this is the biggest most exciting Festival of all times and for all ocassions that none other even comes close to it.


Glowdrop and Shea were looking at their reflection in the water as they tried on different outfist of nature. A leaf turned into a skirt, or some moss used as a shaw, stuff of that nature. Obviously when two girls try on clothes together conversation obviously kicks in automatically,


"Sooooo, not to be nosey Shea, but did you ever talk to your dream . . . "


"Hold it right there, he is not my dream anything, I just said he made me laugh and put a smile on my face."


"Ya, I bet he does.


"Does what?"


"Put a smile on your face that all . . ., you said it . . . "


"Uh, not like that . . ."


"Well did ya?"


"Did I what?"


"Ever talk to him, geesh, obviously you are so enchanted by this Mid Knight that you can not think clearly. Ot's real simple, did you ever talk, is he taking you to the Sun, Seed & Soil Festival."


"Welllll . . ."


"So that would be a no."


"I didn't say that."


"You didn't have too Shea."


"I'm just waiting for the right time that is all."


"Like when, when he already has a date, remember even though the Moon Knight Empire is a patriarchy this Festival is still run the old ways when the matriarchy ruled so that means you can not wait on him, it is up to you to do the asking, and if you do not hurry some one else will beat you to your goal if they have not already."


"He is not my goal, he is my friend."


"Some friend, you don't even talk to him."


"Oh hush, say that outfit is cute, where did you get that leaf?"


"No way?"


"No way what?"


"No way are you wearing the same thing as me, find your own style of leaf."


The two laughed and continued trying on outfits until some giant clouds rolled in and blocked the sun and with it the reflection in the water.


"Hey, you know what Glowdrop"




"We need to try on these outfits tonight in the moonglow so we can see them in their true light, the magic light."


"Ooooh, what a crafty idea, I agree."


The two fluttered to a nearby cypress branch where they perched themselves . . .


"Glow drop, I need to tell you something about that day I missed Dr Beatrix's session."


"Oh, don't worry about it, everyone knows what you said that you followed some humans beyond Fairyland and found your way lost and could not come home. Could of happened to any fairy, not that I would flutter off like that or anything, but I couls see if . . . "


"Glowdrop hush, that is not exactly what happened and I need to tell someone before I tell the Fairy Faculty Council what really happened."


For the first time Glowdrop took her seriously and looked into Shea's eyes and listened carefully . . .


"It all started that day we were playing tag at recess, remember? You know at twighlight the night the moonglow was super intense."


"Oh, you mean the night when you were it and you fluttered off on some adventure after those humans, ya like I said we all know."


"No, you don't, it is true I followed the humans but not out of Fairyland like I told them, but deeper into the marsh as our will-o'-the'wisp had lured them in really good that night. It was they that got lost not I."


"Ok, simple, no harm done, you broke no rules. Why didn't you just tell her the truth to begin with, it would of saved you a lot of hassle."


"Because that is just the first part . . ."


"You mean theres more oh do tell . . . "


"Well, you know how interested I am in the human world."


"Ya, everyone does, which is why everyone was so surprised when you missed Dr Betrix's session. Well wait a minute, if you were not lost then why were you so late, if you were still in the Fairy marsh why coldn't you make it?"


"That is the part that I do not want them to find out about . . . "


"But why? What happened that was so bad that you can not tell the Fairy Faculty?"


Shea looks down into the falling leaves and responds as if a whisper, "I was captured."


"What was that, I could not hear you? (Glowdrop starts to giggle), it almost sounded like you said you were captured."


"I was."


"But how, were you that carless?"


"No, I was knocked unconcious by an alligator and when I came to I was in a jug sealed with a cork."


"How bizare, how did you manage to get in the jug if you were knocked out?"


"They put me in it."


"Who put you in it?"


"They, them, the humans!"


"Impossible, they can't even see you how would they be able to do that?"


"That is just it . . ."


"What is just it?"


"They could see me."


"Impossible, what are you talking about, they are not able to see us."


"Well you tell that to them, because when I came to, there they were the two ugliest biggest faces I have ever seen glowing in that bright moon light looking dead at me, but wait, theres more."


" . . . But wait there's more . . ., you watch too much human t.v., next youll tell me some fairy tale like you talked to them . . . "


"I did, . . . and they understood me and talked back . . . "


Glowdrop fluttered up her wings getting ready to take off, "Haha, your messing with me again, that is pure fantasy, you will never sell the Fairy Faculty Council on such fairy tales and make believe, you better tell the truth, that one was so bad even I didn't fall for it. Seriously Sea, humans that can see and talk to you, who are you trying to kid?"


Before Shea could respond a cadre of flying Mid Knights came flying overhead with the buzzing sound sneaking up on them all at once and making it to where they could not hear one another. There eyes took to the sky to see what was going on, the squad broke out of formation and a massive dogfight of Mid Knight Fairies broke out.


It seems they too were preparing for the Sun, Seed & Soil Festival by practicing their expertly trained flying maneuvers almost as if a dance in the sky.


This dogfight was to burn off some of the steam that goes with so much preparation and practice as well as to see who would earn the top honors at the Moon Knight Empires Flying Academy.


Swarms of Mid Knights where flying every which way, with so much fluttering that a slight breeze picked up and actually pushed Shea and Glowdrop downward slightly, they quickly responded to it as they would any other fluctuation in the wind and compensated by fluttering a little faster.


Pnadamonium and chaos was all around them as the arial Mid Knights carried on their dog fighting well into the twighlight hours with our two friends watching intently at all the excitement as were most of the other fairy creatures scattered around the marsh as this dog fight was now being taken notice by all.


A collision course between two Fairy jousters was ensuing above them as Glowdrop point up in that direction to show Shea. Shea looks toward the Mid Knights in questions then panics,


"That is Captain Pan . . . , he is going to crash . . . "


The duelling Mid Knights collide in mid air and fall out of the sky . . . downward in a spiral . . .


Glowdrop, "Oh, I can't watch . . ." and shuts her eys while coveing them with her hands and fingers


Shea, trys using her magic and cast a harmless spell on the two falling. Glowdrop peeks between her fingers while squinting and sees specs of fairy dust falling . . .


"You used magic, what did you do?"


"Nothing much, I just didn't want to see them get hurt."


"Shea, you know the rules, what did you do, no spells, no enchantments, no encantations . . ."


"I just made them as light as a feather so they would fall safely from the sky and land without injury to their neir mortal bodies."


"That would be a spell, . . . Shea!!!"


"Well you wouldn't want him to get hurt or anything would you?"


Just then you could hear a thud and a thump off in the distance a bit. The two look over in that direction.


"Speaking of, maybe we should go check on them see if they landed ok."


"Landed?, . . . they were falling, there was no landing . . . "


The two fluttered off in the direction of the noise within seconds they spotted the two Mid Knights laying on the cold hard ground uncouncious and passed out, Glowdrop looks over at Shea, "Looks like you need to work on your spell casting . . ., you go help Captain Moon Boy over there and I'll go see if I can help the other Mid Knight.


Each one fluttering down towards their crashsite victims, waving goodbuy to each other as they decended below the reeds and grass.


"Hey Shea, can you hear me?"


"Ya, whats up?"


"I don't think he is uncouncious, . . . or hurt even for that matter . . ."


Shea analizing the Captain, "Oh, what makes you say that Glowdrop?"


"Because he is snoring and there are trace amounts of pixie dust still on him, you put him to

sleep where he was as light as a feather in his own mind but on this green earth he thudded like the best of them, the prophecy is coming true more and more each day and one day we will all become fully real in the real world and not just in make believe."


"That is what I was trying to tell you earlier . . ."


"Oh you mean that fairy tale about you talking to them and them seeing you, . . . you know what I think, you followed them yes you did, just like you said, but I think you fell asleep and the rest you dreamt up just the same way you put these two to sleep.


"I don't care if you believe me or not, that is between me and the Fairy Faculty Council . . ." Captain Pan groans as he lifts his arm


"Gentle there giant, you took quite a tumble from that arial battle you were in. Slowly, it's not like the old days, in these times of the new world post selene ones bones can now facilitate breaking. Here sit up slowely", Shea helps him up by supporting his lower back until he is fully sitting straight on his own.


"I know you. . . don't I, . . . I mean I think I have you in a class or two."


Shea blushes as this means he remembers her and took notice in her.


"Yes, you know me, I mean we know each other, . . . well I mean I know we have never spoken before, but yes you are right I too have seen you in several classes therefore making me feel like I already know you, if that makes any sense, I am making a fool out of myself . . . "


"Yes, it makes complete sense, I feel as if I know you as well."


"Listen, I dont want to take advantage of an injure fairy but since we are talking now I was wondering if you had a date for the Sun, Seed, & Soil Festival?"


Pan, looks around, lost dazed and confused then slowly answers, "Actually, I do have a date . . ."


"Oh, well then, I was just curious thats all because . . ." he puts his finger on her lips to quit her in silence then speaks, "Like I was saying, Actually I do have a date as respectfully I accept your offer. Now I don't want to seem rude but you haven't seen my buddy have you . . ?"


Shea looks at him as if to suggest who, what?!?


"The other Mid Knight I collided with, you wouldn't of happened to if seen where he landed did you?"


"Oh him, yes my friend is with him now. If you are up to it we can flutter over and meet up with them."




The four meet up and the two Mid Nights fly back off to do battle in the moonlit sky. Glowdrop and Shea head back towards home.


"Well, did you finally talk to him?"




"Yes, . . . and . . ."


"And what?"


"Oh stop it Shea, you know what, did you ask him to the Sun, Seed, & Soil Festival?"








"Well quess what?"




"I asked his friend to the Festival as well."


"You did!"


"I did."


"What is his name, what do you know about him?"


"I know he is a Captain and a friend of the Prince, that is all I need to know . . . "


"You are so shallow."


"But of course! I am, I would not have it any other way, what did you expect."




The next morning Shea nervously heads down the stream through the Fairy Forest to where the Fairy Courtyard is. A very majestic location where the the brook comes to an hook and forms a natural beach against the mossy rocks where the two form a unique natural checkerboard effect. This is where all Fairy disputes are settled and as with all Fairy fashion in the open air and available for all to withness.


Shea flutters a little slower today as she is in no hurry to arrive as she still does not know what she will tell them.


On the one hand if she lies they will certainly know and punish her, yet if she tells the truth they will not believe her and assume she is lying and punish her anyway except for way worse.


Shea eventually arrives to the Fairy Courtyard where she hovers over it looking around, . . .


"I must be early, there is no one here." she thinks to herself, then a voice responds while the Fairy Faculty appear before her out of thin air. "You are not early you are actually a bit late, it is not kind to keep this Council waiting."


Shea's anxiaty shoots through her veins as a panic attack sets in, she composes herself as much as she can.


"My apologies oh great council, I did not mean to disparage . . . "


"Hush child, and stop addressing us in such a fairy tale manner, these are great charges brought forth to this Fairy Faculty Council against you and your response needs to be apropriate to the seriousness of the nature. Now this courts rules are clear, you may have your say to clear your name, there is no time limit and after you will be judged and punished if neccesary or aquitted of all charges, so what have you to say, speak your truth and clear your name Shea Nanna Ginns . . ."


Shea fluttering without making a sound, hovering in a single location without movement like a mocking bird.


"Yes, thank you for this opportunity to clear up any and all misunderstandings up, . . . lets see, . . . well like you already know this took place the night of the great moon glow, I was playing tag with some friends when our light created a will-o''wisp that had lured some humans into our swamp. I followed them as they went deeper into the swamp . . ."


Shea continued to tell them the entire story including the parts about the alligator and even the part about the glass jug and being captured by the two humans who could see and talk to them. When she finished it was as if all the clouds rolled in at once and the skies darkened.


One of the Fairy Faculty Council Members Speaks up, "Young Fairy, I don't suffer fools litely, do you honestly expect us to believe such nonsense, I mean fairy tales are one thing, but this is just utter nonsense.


Shea speaks up softly as a whisper in the wind . . .


"I don't understand, I told the truth, I thought you guys could tell if I was truthfull or not?", as she looks directly at Dr Beatrix.


The Fairy Faculty Council disappeared, Shea flutterring still frozen in place.


Within nanoseconds, not even worth timing on a Fairy Clock they all returned, and the head of the Fairy council comes forward.


"We have thoroughly discussed your situation, your story is unbelievable and therefore you will be punished as follows. You are to be banished from Fairyland until you can tell us the truth about where you were and the events that transpired that evening and morning. Banishment will commence immediatly as all Fairies are instructed to not see or hear you as you have broken the sacred Fairy rules . . ."


"But what about the Festival and Graduation . . . ?"


The council member looks at the other members, "Anybody hear anything, I didn't." then he snaps his fingers and all around Shea just outside the courtyard appear endless amounts of onlooking fairies all watching in and waiting to see the outcome.


Shea, embarrassed by the whole thing, flutters off as fast as she can, practically in tears


The onlookers now disbanding one such onlooker frozen still in disbelief is none other than Captain Pan who was fluttering close by the courtyard with his friend and Glowdrop.


"Come on, (said Pan) . . . I've seen enough, we have a Festival to get ready for."


"You still want to go?" asked his friend. Pan looked back at him then turned to Glowdrop, "ya, of course I do, we do, It's what Shea would of wanted."


Glowdrop looks back at him, "You know, for a couple who never talked, you two sure act alot alike, of course that is what Shea would of wanted."


The trio head back to the Fairy Marsh to prepare for the Sun, Seed & Soil Festival while their friend is being thrown to the preverbial werewolves so to speak as Shea heads into unchartered Fairietory, alone and banished from Fairyland.





Episode 4: The Brothers Grimm


Shea was devastated, because of her ousting she would miss out on the Sun, Seed, Soil Festival, but more importantly she would miss out on her graduation and with it her rightfull dully earned title of Deva.


All alone and by herself as not even her shadow was allowed be by herside she fluttered out of the Fairy Marsh, past the Fairy Hills, and clear out of Fairyland, deeper and deeper into the unkown lands of the mortals.


Shea caught up in her thoughts wondering aimlessly down random pathways never noticed the sun setting.


As the darkness settled in she began to get a little nervous as these surroundings were not like what she was used to, not what she grew up with at all. She could not put her finger on it as every still seemed the same, trees still seemed like trees, clouds like clouds, the moon was still where it should be, albeit not as bright, yet some how something just seemed off and not right.


She decided to take a break so she could relax her wings a little before she continued on as she wanted to flutter all night to get as far away as she could as fast as she could as she did not want to take a chance on running into any one she might know, she was too kind a fairy to put someone in that position.


She looked around and saw the perfect little tree on top of a hill up ahead. She thought it would be the perfect spot to ponder whilst scouting for a future direction to flutter into, and unlike last time she left on her own this tiime she had her guard up and was being extra cautious as she learned her lesson the hard way already, plus she does not even know what kind of perils this land has as she is so far fremoved from Fairyville and Fairyland that nothing seems familiar, even the leaves on the trees are different.


Shea flutters up to the tree and lands on a tiny little branch barely making it bounce.


"How do I get myself into these messes?, . . . uuuugggggg!"


And as fate would have it an owl was nose diving down on our wanna be deva as our feather friend only sees one thing, . . . dinner!


It opens its beak, . . . it closes its eyes . . . and slammarino a rock knocks it out of the moonlit sky and crashing down through the branches.


Shea's instincts kick in and she is already hiding on the other side of the tree's trunk peaking around and watching the owl fall thud into the ground below.


She then sees two figures approaching the owl.


They appear to be human children, two boys, perhaps 12 - 14 years in age all bundled up for cold weather as it apparently bothers them, how strange she thought.


In her usual eavesdropping fashion she sticks around to see what they might say or do, hidding all the time of course.


"Ha, I told you it was an owl! Wait till dad finds out you shot down an own with your slingshot."


"That is not what I saw. Tha is not what I was aiming for."


"Well tell that to the owl, and better yet have a good time explaining to dad."


"No, I'm telling you it was not an owl, it was glowing like a firefly only it was not a fire fly it was something else."


"What else?"


"Oh, you would not believe me if I told you."


"Tell me already you know you want to especially since this is what you want me to agree with to get you out of trouble with dad."


"No, seriously, I saw something, it was, . . . well it was like it was a little lady, but with wings, like a dragonflies wings only she was glowing or producing her own light. She was beautiful."


"You were drinking out of the pit again weren't you? And, anyways your story makes no sense you say she is soooo beautiful yet the first thing you want to do is to sling a rock at her?!?"


"To subdue her thats all."


"To subdue her?!?, well thats one way to do it I guess, but truthfully do you think it is dead?"


"How would I know, I never even hit her."


"Yoohoo, the owl, do you think it is dead?"


"Oh, ummm, I don't know, lets see." and as he kneels down to check on the owl a cracking breaks the sound barrier as one of the branches the owl fell through finally snapped off and with it Shea as it caught her by surprise and knocked her out. The branch and Shea thud into the earth right beside the kid kneeling next to the owl and his brother.


"Look! There she is, quick give me something to put it in."


"Like what?"


"I don't know, I wasn't expecting on catching anything live, we were supposed to be getting dinner."


"Ya about that, dad is not going to be happy about that owl, but what ever that is might ease his anger a wee bit don't ya think."


The young lad kneeling reaches down and pick up Shea in his hands as she is still passed out.


"Is it alive?"


"She, it is defiately a she."


"Ok, is she alive."


"Yes, I believe so. It looks like she is breathing, barely, but maybe that is just because she is so dang small, the owl on the other hand is no such luck. Come on you know what we have to do."


"Yes with the owl, but what about her, and what about dinner?"


"You take care of the owl, I will take care of the . . . , the, . . . the , what do we call it?"


"I don't know, didn't there used to be some old legend or myth about things like that? You know, from a bygone era when they believed in such nonsense and fairytales."


"Thats it!"


"Whats it?"




"Ya, What about them?"


"That is what these are, . . . Fairytales, . . . I mean . . . Fairies . . .


"Fairies?!? Never heard of them."


"Of course you have it is where they get the term fairytale from that you just used."


"Well ya I have heard of fairytales but not of fairies."


"How could you not they are one in the same . . ."


"I don't know I guess I just always read facts and figures not make believe."


"Does that look like make believe to you?"


"No . . ."


Shea begins to light up as she comes to and slowly awakens


"What is it doing? Will it hurt us?"


"I think it is coming to."


Without thinking he quickly puts her in his jacket pocket and buttons it closed.


"What did you do that for?"


"Where else was I supposed to put it?"


"Uhhh, ya, good idea."


"Ya, I thought so, lets go. You got that bird all wrapped up and ready to go we need to hurry."


"What about dinner?"


"Forget dinner my pocket is beginning to vibrate she has definately awakened."


Again based on their conversation Shea determines that they too must of been able to see her so with that theory in place she also assumes they will be able to hear and understand her so she calls out to them.


"Hello my friends it seems you have several dilemas facing you. Maybe we can work a bargain."


"It talks!"




"What kind of bargain and we don't have any dilemas."


"Of course you do, the poor owl you shot with your gizmo instead of me for one, and the further dilema it brings with having to tell your father."


The one brother nudges the other . . .


"She's got you there, dad's not going to be happy abou that owl."


"Shhh, Ok, Ok, . . . the owl is serious for sure, but you mentioned dilemas, what other dilema do I have?"


"Dinner of course silly."


"Oh ya, ok, so what is your bargain?"


"I will heal the owl and in its gratitude it will bring you small game for your dinner every night for a moons day."


"Impossible, you can not heal this bird as this owl is dead."


"What is impossible?!?, I do not undertand this term."


The two brothers look at each other


"What do you want in return for this bargain."


"Safe passage and a place to stay for a month."


"You mean you don't want out of my pocket?"


Shea pushes back on the button unbuttoning the pocket as she flutters out of it and hovers inbetween the two brothers


"Bargain?!?", she ask looking back and forth between both of them in the eye.


The two brothers respond in unisen, "Deal!"


Shea immediately does her thing with nature and the winds pick up the clouds gather and her glow intensifies as she harnesses all of her energy forces then in one instant burst pixie dust is falling onto the owl.


The owl flies off into the night sky faster than they could realize it had even healed itself. Within moments two small game drop at their feet as the owl perches itself on a branch above and hoots.


Shea thanks the owl then turns to the brothers.


"All dilemas solved, you no longer need to tell your father of such bad aim, the life you have taken has been restored, and dinner is literally at your feet, so are we ready to go?"


"No, not yet, how do we know you are not evil and tricking us?"


"You are correct you do not know, but we can start by becoming friends and all friends know each others names do they not."


"Yes, I suppose so . . . why?"


"Well it is against our rules for me to tell you my name, so to prove to you that I have good intentions and not evil ones I will share my full name with you so we can share a word bond and become friends."


"Your Rules? Whos rules, what exactly are you?"


"Why I am a fairy of course, just a pixie but I was just about ready to graduate, right after the Festival and become a full deva and that is when all this mess started . . . "


"Whoa, whoa, slow down, we will have plenty of time for all of that but first we need to figure out how to sneak you past mom and dad."


"Mom, and dad will be a piece of cake, we need to be worried about Sargent."


"Who is Sargent?"


"Not who, what."


"What is Sargent."


"Sargent, Sarge is our dog, she was supposed to come hunting with us tonight but decided to stay in where it is warm, we think her leg in bothering her she has a slight limp."


"What is a dog?"


"You don't know what a dog is? Oh boy this is going to go well I can tell."


"It will you will see everything will be fine and I am sure your dog will love me, everyone loves me, Shea Nanna Ginns!"


"Pleased to meet you Miss Ginns. My name is Jacob and this is Wilhelm and we are the brothers Grimm at your service."