Juniper Creek

by Mark Christopher Garrett


In a time before after time when only now exist! Tommy, Trixie, Vicki, & Tom, "The Hawks" are in for more than they bargained for when their trip to Florida takes a turn for the paranormal. Unravel the mystery of Juniper Creek & discover it's natural magical properties as Ochuse's (Moon Sorrow's) moonstone spell and Juniper Creek's life force transgresses all time discovered by the Hawk family.


Table of Contents


Episode 1: Florida Holiday

Episode 2: Beach Day

Episode 3: The Legend of Ochuse

Episode 4: Pirates & Indians


Episode 1: Florida Holiday


The infernal alarm rings way too early,


only this time it is for a brighter day and even though it is set even earlier than normal everyone in the household was already wide awake in bed starring at the ceiling just waiting, in anticipation for the alarm to go off as today is the day the family goes on holiday.


As the alarm reverberates throughout the household, you can hear the sound of feet hitting the ground anxiously waiting to get out of bed and start the day.


Today is the day the Hawk family finally get to go on their long awaited trip to Florida.


Tommy, the youngest of them all, yet don't tell him that at the age of 8 you would think he was 88, yells out; "I've got first dibs on the bathroom!"


Trixie, closing the bathroom door behind her yells out, "Too late!"


The adrenaline is high as all are anticipating this trip, . . . only maybe for different reasons as we will soon find out.


Tommy, stomping loudly into the floor, "ah, dang, again, you sure are quick sis. That's o.k., I'll start breakfast. Hey everybody how do you want your eggs and what side item would you like we have . . .", and as Tommy opens up the kitchen cabinet doors simultaneously with the refrigerator door it hits him, and before he can say a word a voice speaks firmly, "Why thank you young man for offering to make us all a delicious breakfast, but as you can see our cupboards are bare as well as our fridge as we have planned our holliday.


Steam comes from the hallway as you hear a bedroom door slam shut.


Continuing,... "It seems your sister is done, why don't you go ahead and get readay and we will get breakfast along the way to the teleport."


"Yes ma'am" Tommy responds to his mother as he hurries into the bathroom,dissapearing into the steam and slamming the door behind him.


Then another voice yells out . . .


"How many times do I have to tell you kids to stop slamming the doors!"


"Yes Sir!" you hear faintfully behind closed doors as all hurridly get ready to leave.




Within minutes all are down stairs and standing next to their baggage that was placed there the

night before.


L.T., speaks, "Dad, are we going to stop to get something to eat because if it takes too much time we can just go to the teleport and get something to eat after we arrive. After all we already know what all the restaurants here taste like,it might be fun to try something new and different. After all I thoght thats what vacations were for."


"That soundsss like a great idea Tommy! What does everyone else think?"


The entire family nods their head up and down in agreement as they are all over anxious to start their trip and get on with their Florida holiday!


Before anyone else could speak the living quarters spoke . . . "Your transportation has arrived."


O.K. kids, make sure you have everything like we discussed and remember what to do if we get seperated . . ."


"Daaaad" the duo replied in unisen, "We got this!"


"Oh, you got this do you?!? You hear these kids Vicki, . . . deffinately take after . . ."


"Us both,now hush and go to our room I have one more bag I need you to get, it is under the bed."


"Oh, another bag, but we already discussed what we would bring and . . . "


"Hush, and go get it now, our transportation is here, we need to go, . . . . so go get it."


"Yes ma'aaaam." Tommy replies to Vicki as he runs up the staircase leaping multiple steps at a time dissapearing down the hall and them reapearring within seconds with the extra satchel in question.


Raising it for all to see as he jumps down the entire staircase, shouting, "Is this it!"


The front door chimes and Trixie tells it to open, and her mom snaps back . . .


"Not so fast Trixie, you don't know who it is . . ."


"Don't be silly mommy, it's our Stanportation . . ."


Everyone turns to the open door and their stands the chauffeur, "Hello, my name is Stan, I will be assisting you to the Teleport today. Are these all your items that you will be taking."


"Yes.", responds Tommy, "And aparently this as well!" as he points to the satchel he still has strapped over his shoulder.


"Very well Sr.", then the chauffeur proceeds to scan everything with a hand held device.


"Please Sr., if you will, would you please verify that these are all your items and that we scanned them each successfully. Please initial by each one."


"Of course."


As Tommy initialed each one the vanished into thin air.


"Ah, yes, last but not least Sr., lets not forget that satchel around your shoulder, if you wouldnt mind Sr., taking it off and setting it aside so I can scan it proper."


"How silly of me, so sorry, here is this ok . . .?", as he sets the satchel down on the tile brick floor.


"Thank you Sr." as he scans it and it too dissapears into thin air.


"If everyone is ready please follow me to my vehicle."


The Hawk family eagerly follow behind as the door to their abode automatically closes behind them.


"How long is the trip there?" ask little Tommy


"You will be there before you know it, please all of you step into my vehicle, watch your heads."


The Hawk family proceeds to get into the vehicle one by one through the same door, first Trixie as she never lets Lil Tommy beat her at anything, then Lil' Tommy jumps in immediately after her. Victoria looking back at her husband steps into the vehicle telling the kids to settle down. Tommy nods at the chouffeur and gets in last closing the door behind him.


The chaufeur immediately opens the door and looks in on the family.


Tommy asks, "Did I not close it right."


"Excuse me Sr.?!"


"The door?!?, did I not close it right?"


"Oh, yes Sr, . . . yes you did, a fine job did you do Sr, yes, you closed the door perfectly."


"Then is there anything we can assist you with as we are ansious to get started on our journey."


"Oh, yes Sr, of course Sr., I was just openning up the door Sr. to let you know you have arrived Sr."




"Yes Sr., to your destination Sr., Florida . . ."


"But, . . . we just closed the door . . . "


"Yes Sr., Teleportation a wonderful invention Sr., please enjoy your trip, your automatic homing devices will bring each of you back to your point of origin regardless of where each one of you is at, this is a built in safety feature for your protection that we provide at no extra cost."


The Hawk family in amazement stepping out of the vehicle one by one looking around at the jaw dropping sites.


Each in disbelief at what they are seeing as just mere seconds ago they were in there own home, and now just like that they are all here.


"I believe this is where you will be staying Sr., as the chauffeur points to an old world Spanish style building built ages ago, one of the most historic and prestigeous Florida Hotels still in existense. Your baggage will be waiting for you in your rooms as they are already expecting you in the lobby."


"Thank you Stan, this has been the most exciting 8 minutes of my life, I can't beleive we are actually here, the mythical fabled Florida."


"Believe it Sr., I hope you find what you are looking for."


Vicki and the kids looking back at Tommy, "Come on, lets go already."


"Yes Vicki, I'm on my way." Tommy nods at Stan and hurries behind Vicki and the kids quickly passing them and then yelling back to them, . . . "Come on slow pokes you don't wan't to miss out on any of the fun."


The Hawks race to the lobby of the Hotel and check in, the kids gather all the different tourist brochurs from the display rack.


O.k., guys, I promised eveyone we would get something to eat when we got here, our stuff is already in our rooms and I don't know about you but I am starved, so lets go see what this place has for food."


The family agreed and they soon found themselves dinning at the Hotel Restaurant.


Tommy and Vicki were looking over the menu while Trixie and Lil Tommy were looking over all the brochures they had gathered.


The waiter approached the table with the complimentary water and breadsticks and while laying everything out on the table the kids realized their brochures were everywhere and they started to gather them up.


"No, no, . . . no need to gather them up on my account, I will just set these things right here out of your way." The waiter had a presence to him that startled the kids as his appearance was unlike anything they have ever seen before and they also thought he talked kind of funny.


"I see you guys arn't from around these parts . . ."


"Why do you say that . . .?" asked Vicki


"All the brochures on the table, only non locals pick them up as the rest of us already know where everything is at, but I tell ya what, what you guys are looking for is not in the brochurs. Anyways whatcan I getyou guys are your ready to place your order."


The family was famished and feasted on an array of sea food, where once was a table full of touristy brochurs now lies a table full of empty plates and glasses.


The Hawk family all leaning back in their chairs stuffed to their gullet.


"Will there be anything else?"


The family snapped out of their daze and all started to look at one another . . . Tommy spoke, . . . "Just the bill please . . ."


The waiter handed Tommy the digital bill and as Tommy pressed his thumb against the screen for verification and looked into it to verify his eye scan he said to the waiter . . . "So, you were mentioning that what we were looking for is not in the brochures, what did you mean by that?"


"Well Sr. most people that visit Florida like to stay on the beaches or at those modern theme parks, but you folk decided to stay here, in what we natives like to call real Florida. Something tells me that you chose this area for a reason."


"Well yes Sr. I am a scientist and I was wanting to look into the . . . "


"Say no more Sr., like I said what you want is not in the brochures, what you are looking for is the Legend of Ochuse."


"Oh, what?!?, no Sr. I am a scientist and the waters from these springs are of scientific interest to . . . "


"Yes, I know, you are seeking to learn about the Legend of Ochuse


Just then a cloud covered the sun casting adark shadow across the table and floor and a gust of sea breeze wind blew a chill through the restaurant.


"Ochuse?!?" the Hawk family asked bewildered in unisen.


"Ochuse!" answered the waiter




Episode 2: Beach Day


"What's an Ochuse?" asked Trixie as the family proceeded to get up to leave.


"Well little lady that will have to be a tale for another time."


"Come on Trix, don't bother the man, can't you see he is busy." wispers Lil Tommy as he pulls and tugs at her arm


"It is no bother young man, there is just not enough time now as you folks are heading out, but I tell ya what, goout and enjoy the fine Florida weather, go site seeing, or whatever it is you guys came to do, and this evening come back for a complimentary dinner on the house and I will tell you all about the legend of Ochuse. That is if you haven't made other plans yet and your parents chose to accept my offer."


"Can we, can we!!!"


Tommy smiles, "How could I say no and pass up an invitation so generous. As long as it won't get you in any trouble with management."


"No worries Sr., it will be alright."


"O.k. then, we will see you for dinner, lets say 8 o'clock, is that o.k.?"


"That will be perfect Sr., excellent choice in time, I will pencil you in, now get out of here and go enjoy sunny Florida, after all thats why you came in the first place, not to listen to some old man telling old boring stories."


Vicki pipes in, "I'm sure your stories are anything but boring, I can't wait to here some of them, see you at 8. Come on honey we need to go the kids are already half way to the hover walk."


"Oh no, hurry, if we let them get on first we might never catch up . . . or find them."


The two hurried off after their kids, the day was a typical Florida day sunny, hot and humid, especially for those not used to this type of weather.


Tom and Vicki catch up to Tommy and Trixie, just in time too as the two were just about to step onto the hover walk.


"Wait!" the kids look towards their father.


"How do you even know which hover walk to take."


"It's all right here dad, in the brochures we snagged back in the lobby of the hotel, look it's got maps and everything!"


"Sounds great, so what do you kids have in mind to do first?"


"We want to go to the beach!"


"Can we honey?"


"Sure, why not, lets start the day off there, they call this place the Emerald Coast because of it's pristine waters."


Vicki looks towards the kids, "O.K., you heard your father, so which hover walk do we need to take to get there.


Without responding Tommy and Trixie step onto one of the hover walks, Vicki being fast on her feet grabs Tom by his shirt and pulls him onto the same hover walk as she too steps on and the Hawk family is off to the beach.




Gliding down the hover walk the family was able to get a glimpse of some of the vast scenery and wildlife that Florida has to offer.


Once at the beach they found a perfect spot not that far from the ancient pier. Tom rented a couple of lounge chairs with sunbrellas on them as he was already working up a sweat.


"Can you believe this heat." he says as he wipes the sweat from his forhead, "And it's just barely 9 oclock in the morning, this is unbeleivable."


"You know what they say dear, climate change is heating everything up."


"Ya, guess so, this is unbelievable . . ."


"Can we go swimming now!"


Vicki and Tom look at one another, then Vicki turns to the kids, "Of course you can sillys, that is why we are here, just stay where we can see you."


"Yes ma'am!" the two replie back


Vicki looks side to side, up and down the emerald coast beach then points north, "Over there, that looks like the automatic clothes changer, go ahead and get a disposable bathing suit each, and a couple of disposable towels so you can dry off. Don't worry about your regular clothes as the machine will teleport it directly to our hotel room as soon as it dresses you so if you have anything in your pockets you want to keep here you need to go ahead and clear them out now. You can each spend $500.00 dollars so don't go overboard witht the suits you choose."


Lil Tommy snaps back, "$500.00, that's it what are going to be able to get with that? People will

think we are from the slums."


Tom pipes in, "Tommy don't talk that way to your mother she worked hard to make this trip happen, if $500.00 is not enough then I guess we can just go back to our hotel . . ."


"$500.00 is o.k. dad, really I didn't mean anything by it . . ."


"Don't tell me that It was your mother that was giving it to you."


"Yes Sr.", lil Tommy then turns to his mother,"I'm sorry mom, this is perfect, I think I might even have enough for goggles if that is o.k."


"Spend it anyway you like son


and off they go running towards automatic changing machine.


Within minutes the two emerge in bright bathing suits one with goggles, both waving towards their parents to show off their new threads, after wich they turn and head as fast as they can towards the emerald waves.


Vicki yells out, "Stay out from under the pier, that looks dangerous and come back in an hour we will go get some ice cream!", she turns to Tom, "Do you think they heard me?"


"You mentioned ice cream, of course they heard you. Come on relax, let me put some of this sunblock spray on you before you burn."


"Oh know I forgot to apply some on the kids, I don't want them to burn."


"Relax, remember the beach changing machine automatically applies the perfect layer of sunblock onto the skin as it dresses them, they started doing that after that one family somehow thought their bathing suits protected them and sued the company for over a Trillion."


"Peanuts in todays money, ya I remember that now, well good then I won't have to worry about the kids getting burned then.


"Absolutely not!"


The two settle back into their respective lounge chairs and both take in a deep breath and let out a huge sigh of releif, then Tom speaks, "It's so great being on vacation, we saved so long to make this happen, just look at the kids and how happy they are to be here.


Vicki looks towards the water and sees her children splashing around in the water.


"Yes they do look happy, and yes this is relaxing, . . ."


"Buuuut, . . . . . why do I feel like there is a but coming up . . ."


"But, . . ."


"Out with it already, . . . but what?!?"


"But technically I am not exclusively on vacation."


"What does that even mean?" replied Tom


"I have a speceial assignment to do while I am here for work."


"Is that why you had me go back for you other bag, that satchel, . . . it's a medical satchel isn't it, you are here to conduct scientifict research."


"It won't take that long and it helped pay for a big chunk of this trip."


"So, what are you supposed to do?"


"Oh, it's so simple, I just need to collect some water samples from various places from that creek and . . . "


"So, that is why we are staying at that place, because of the creek, no wonder . . ."


"I know you and the kids wanted to stay at the beach, but look we are here at the beach now and you are doing nothing but sweating, at least back at the Hotel it is shady and lot cooler."


"Ya your right, I did not realize how hot the Florida sun was. You know what I don't mind at all, like you said, our Hotel is full of shade."


Tommy looks down at the bag containing all the brochures the kids snagged, "Hey, can you pass that over to me please."


Vicki opening her eyes, "Pass what."


"That bag of brochures the kids picked up, lets see what there is to do around here."


"Sounds like a good idea, here." Vicki hands Tom the bag as she pulls a couple of brochures out to look at for herself but before either one have a chance to look at any of them a familiar voice calls out to them,


"Can we get ice cream now?"


Vicki and Tom both look up and their stand dripping Lil Tommy and Trixie, Vicki asks, "Oh, back so soon, I don't believe it has quite been an hour yet."


"It's really hot out here mom." Trixie faintfully stated.


"I concure." states Tom, "Ice cream sounds perfect, I saw a cute little place from the hover walk, I pretty sure we can walk there from here."


"Are you sure Tom?, it's really hot out."


"it's not that far, I'm sure I can make it."


The Hawks gather their belongings and begin the trek to the Ice Cream Parlor


"How much farther dad?" Trixie asks while stepping like she is walking on hot coals.


"It's just up here, . . . I think."


"I see it dad!" yells out Lil Tommy who was ahead of everyone else and then dissapears over a sand dune.


"He found it." exclaims Vicki happily and starts running in his direction.


Both Tom and Trixie look at one another then Trixie says, "Your not gonna let them get the best flavors are ya?"


Then they too start to run in that direction and proceed over the sand dune.




Once on the other side Tom and Trixie run to catch up to Vicki and Lil Tommy who were already standy infront of the Ice Cream Parlor. Trixie is three steps ahead of her dad, "Ha, beat you!" Tom comes to a sliding halt getting sand all up into his shoe.


"Come on guys, lets head in already, Im ready for some airconditioning, I'm sweating like a pig."


Vicki responds, "Don't you think we would of been inside already, what!? did you think we were admiring the building?"


Tom looks at the door of the Ice Cream Parlor as he approaches it to enter and that is when he sees the sign.




Trixie begins to tear up, while lil Tommy looks confused . . .


Tom looks over at Vicki, "Now I know why I got such great deals on everything, this must be the off season."


"The OFF season, whats that mean?" asked Lil Tommy


"It means your father screwe . . ."


"It means your father wanted us to have a non touristy holiday, . . . vacation Son, thats what she

meant to say."


Tommy looks over at Trixie and shrugs his shoulders and lifts his hands up as if to imply that he still dosent get it, and Trixie quickly responds.


"Like mom said Dad messed up."


Tom quick to turn the situation round cheerfully pipes up, "Hey we can catch the Hover Walk from here so the good news is we don't have to walk all the way back to the Emerald Coast Beach."


Vicki smiles and joins in, "That is great news, and I bet once we are on the Hover Walk we will see all kinds of Ice Cream shoppes and places to eat, common I'll race ya, last one there is a rotten egg."


Tom, Tommy and Trixie all look at each other in amazement as Vicki zooms up the largest flight of stairs they have ever seen, initially half sanded over and ultimately leading up to the old board walk and ancient pier as well as the more contemorary Hover Walk.


Then dad realizing the situation takes off after Vicki. Trixie looks over at Tommy, "They are kidding right?" as the two proceed to slowly walk up the staircase one stair at a time.


"Hey Trixie, I don't really mind that the ice cream parlor is closed, we got to go swimming in the Gulf, our first Teleport, this is all still kinda cool huh?"


"Ya, but don't let them think that."


"Why not?"


"Because if they think they messed up they treat us better."


"What are you talking about mom and dad treat us really well, I here from my friends all the time about problems in their families ours is not like that."


"No not like that silly, of course our parents are great duh, I mean like they will let us stay up a little latter or let us get a second dessert, stuff like that, . . . you know . . ."


"Oh, . . . I do now."


The two finally make it to the top of the staircase and see their parents on the other side of the board walk looking at some of the shops.


The two look at each other and then in unisen, "I'm not gonna be the rotten egg!" and both start running towards their parents and all the beach shops on the board walk.




The two catch up with their parents at the same time, "I'm not a rotten egg you are!", "No I'm not, you are!", "Am not!" "Are too!"


"Wow dad there are a lot of shops here what are we going to do first?"


Trixie looks up at her mother who is beginning to tear up. Dad answers Tommy, "First thing we are going to do son is get some Ice Cream like your mother promised and we all know how your mother always keeps her promises."


Trixie speaks out sarcastically, "Where dad?!? Everything is closed here too!"


Tommy looks up at his father and says, "Off Season?"


"Yes, Tommy but don't worry I know just the place, follow me."


Trixie looks up at her mother, "Don't worry mom, this is still a lot of fun being here and all."


Tommy looks over at Trixie, "Hey, I thought you said we weren't supposed to tell.", "Hush Tommy, can't you see mommy is upset.


Vicki wipes her eyes, then muster up her strength.




"I think I must of gotten some sand in my eyes, common kids lets catch up to your father." and the three dart off.


Back on the Hover Walk the Hawks were dead silent. Partially because they really did feel a little let down, but mostly because they were hot and tired and were mesmerized by Florida's nature that they had missed out on the way to the beach when they all had visions of different stores, shops, restaurants and places to go see and do. Now it was just the four of them in total silence reflecting on the sheer beauty of Floridas grace and grandeur.


"O.k., get ready the next Hover Walk exit is ours so watch your step as they travel at different speeds."


Trixie reaches up and grabs her fathers's hand he looks down and smiles at her. His confidence always makes her feel safe no mater what the situation. Vicki leans down to grab Tommy's hand and he initially resist, "But mom."


"Don't you but mom me, give me your hand."


Tommy extends his hand out to his mother and she quickly grabs his hand and yanks him onto the other Hover Walk, half holding him up as he loses his step. Trixie looks down and smiles at him, Tommy embarrased shys away from looking at her. "Come on, lets catch up to your dad and sister." She releases his hand and the two take off running. As Vicki and Tommy cut the curve she shouts out to Tom, "Hey isn't that our Hotel just up ahead?"


"Yup, it's the one place I know that is open."


"Oh goody, I could use a shower right about now!"


As the couple approach the ancient Spanish building they see a gardner on the other side of the Hover Walk by the original Old Timey Wooden Boardwalk from the olden days when people actually had to walk on their own, but after all thats half the fun of being on holiday, doing things that you wouldn't normally do, even if it does seem a little silly and old timey, thats all part of the enchantment.


For the first time since they got there Tom and Vicki actually take in their surroundings, "You know this really is a beautifull spot for a Hotel, all this green nature, so amazingly captivating." "Ya, and have you realized how much cooler it is here than at the beach, I'm not even sweating anymore." "Wow, your not are you?"


"The grounds here are so extraordinarily well kept while still looking native and wild, obviously atrributed to that gentleman over there." As Vicki points towards the gardener. "Mom, I thought you said pointing was rude." "Yes Trixie you are correct, lets head over to the old boardwalk and talk to the groundskeeper he might know something about this place."


"Ya, maybe." replied Tommy, "But you never know, I think the waiter was pulling our leg about Ochuse as I looked over all the brochures and I never saw it listed on any of them."


As they approached the gardener he had his back towards them as he was croched over putting something into the earth and was shadowed by his big brimmed sun hat.


"Excuse me, Sr., but these gounds are exceptional, have you maintained them very long?"


"Why thank you young lady." replied a kind voice, "I have been tending them my whole life, . . . or so it would seem . . . hehe."


The gentleman stands up and turns around to reveal himself.


"Oh, it's you!" exclaimed Tom, "our generous waiter."


"Yes Sr., it's me. Did everyone have a fun day at the beach, I have to admit I was not expecting you back so soon,most families stay the whole day at the beach then come back burnt as . . ." looks down at the children, "burn't like a lobster. No you guys must know what yur doing came back just right, none of you burnt at all, super. I tell ya what, why don't you all go get cleaned up and put on some fresh cloths while I get cleaned up myself, and I will meet all of you lets say in 15 minutes at the Hotels Ice Cream Parlor."


"You have an Ice Cream Parlor!" the Hawks burst out in unisen.


"Not just any Ice Cream Parlor, but all home made Ice Cream."


"Sr., Mr Waiter Sr.", "Yes Tommy?" "Can we meet there in 10 minutes?"


"Ten minutes it is Tommy, and I would advise everyone put on a long sleave or brring a sweater as it is a little chilli in there."


Tommy and Trixie may not even of heard that last part about being chilli as they were already halfway to their rooms.


Tom and Vicki thanked the waiter and headed off toward their room as well.


"Wow, this place must not be doing so well if the waiter has to do the gardening as well."


"Shhhh, he might hear you, like he heard Tommy at the table, he has good ears."


"Oh please, not that good." "I wouldn't be so sure about that, plus he must be filling in for someone as these gardens are too immaculate to be kept by a waiter.


The two arrive at their room and the hotel sensors detect their presence at that location and the door opens up automatically. As they enter their room it begins to speak to them.


"The room is at 65 degrees Farenheit, out side today is 73 degrees with 80% humidity, the winds are coming from the . . ."


"Room, Silence, . . . Thank You!", "Hey babe you go ahead and jump in the shower there is something I want to check on real quick."


"Oh, for some reason I thought being on holiday meant we would shower together, . . . if you know what I mean."


"But we only have 10 minutes."


"And your point?"


"As per usual I have none."




Tommy and Trixie must of made record time as they made it down to the Hotel's Ice Cream Parlor in 5 minutes flat, but amazingly the waiter had already beaten them there, not only that but he was completely cleaned up and changed out of his gardening clothes and into an old timey Ice Cream Parlor style outfit. The two walk into the Parlor in sheer amazement, "Wow, look at all that.", "Yaaaa, I'm in heaven."


"Come on in, don't be shy, take a look around if you see anything you like let me know and I will get it for you. As you can see the Shoppe sells a lot more than home made Ice Cream."


"Thank you Sr." replied Trixie as she was raised to always be polite, but deep down inside she was mesmeried by all the delicious treats.


"Come on Tommy the Ice Cream is over here.", "What about mom and dad, shouldn't we wait for them?", "Technically yes, but this is one of those fudge areas I was telling you about earlier, something tells me mom and dad won't mind if we start without them."


"How do you know?"


"Because I am older and when you are older you will know these things too, now come on I want a triple cone and I already spotted the three flavors I want."


"Triple Cone?!?, but mom never allows more than a double you know that, . . . oh wait, this is one of those times again isn't it?", Trixie nods yes as she grabs his hand and takes off towards the Ice Cream display freezers.


"Uggg, why is everyone trying to hold my hand today?!?" as he pulls his arm back yet takes off after her.


"Let me guess little lady, you would like a triple decker special with your three favorite flavors vanilla, chocolate, and butter pecan all in a waffle cone."


"Wow, how did you know?"


"And let me guess, you young man would like a quadrupple surprise in a cup, . . . hmmmm, chocolate, grasshopper, mint chocolate chip and hmmmm, . . . . no don't tell me, . . . . ahhh, yes this one, Captain Rum Caramel Sea Salt."


"Never heard of it Mister."


"It's an old Pirate favorite around these parts."


"Pirates, there used to be pirates around here?"


"Of course young Hawk, this entire area was founded by pirates. Pirates and Indians that is."


"Pirates and indians that's silly Mister, Ive only heard of Cowboys and Indians."


"Here you go lad and lasse." the gentleman waits with no response as brother and sister are still in awe of their surroundings. "Ah, yes, let me try this again, . . . " switching up his tone, "O.K. kids ready." The two snap out of their trance and look up in delight


"Woooow, now that's an Ice Cream."


"Wow, I'll say it is." says a voice from behind. "That's a little more than two scoops."


"Mom, dad . . . " at a loss for words Trixie surprised says the first thing that pops in her head. "Look, the house special with all my favorite flavors, how could I say no. Also, aren't you two a little late?"


Vicki and Tom look at one another and blush, "Late, are we late, I never noticed, wow that ice cream really looks yummy I think I'll have what Trixie has except instead of butter pecan I want . . ."


"Mint chocolate chip, yes Sr. coming right up and for you Ma'am a neo politan banan split."


"Yes!" as her eyes light up,"But how did you know, he must of told you."


Tom barely able to speak with a mouth full of ice cream, "I never told him anything dear.", well then the kids must of mentioned it."


"Her you go Ma'am."


"How much do we owe you for all this?"


"Nothing Sr."


"Nothing?!?, nothing is free in this world."


"Correct Ma'am, I just mean that it is already included in your hotel stay. The company sponsoring your scientifiic research has taken care of everything. Now go ahead and head out side out back you will find the entrance to the oridinal board walk that leads to Juniper Creek enjoy the walk and don't forget about your dinner apointment back here at 8 oclock."


"Hey that sounds great, the kids will love that."


"They are way ahead of you Sr."


"Indeed they are, thanks again. Hey kids wait up!"


The Hawks dissapear down the old timey boardwalk that leads to Juniper Creek, while the waiter wipped down the counters and washes the ice cream scoops and puts everything back in it's proper place.


"Hey Tom what time is it?"


"Why Vicki, do you have somewhere you need to be?"


"No, it's just I can't believe how dark it is under all this foliage."


"Ya, I know, right. I bet it has even dropped a couple of more degrees since we left the Hotel which I thought was already way cooler than the beach."


"Ya, so . . . ?"


"Soooo, . . . . what?"


"Soooo, what time is it silly?"


"Oh the time right, the time how could I forget, it's barely past three, I think or wait is it two, I think we are on the other side of the time zone soooo, ohhhh, I don't no, either 2 ish or ish is that good enough?"


"Ya, sure, good enough for Government work." as the two cut around the final curve revealing Juniper Creek.


"Is this it?"


"Must be, the boardwalk ends here."


"Somehow I expected it to be a litlle more impresive, this is litterally a tiney creek, seems like a lot of expense for this boardwalk, all just for this."


"Oh, cut it out dear it's all the locals have, let them enjoy it."


"Hey they can enjoy it all they want, somehow this is not the impression I got from the website we looked at. I just hope the kids are not disapointed."


"Are you kidding me, did you see their faces with those ice creams, they are having a great time, and so am I."


"Speaking of the kids where did they get off to?"


"Who knows but I'm sure they will be fine, it's not like we have to worry about them getting mugged or anything like that way out here."


"No, it's just . . ."


"Just what, spit it out."


"What about alligators?"




Then both proceed to yell intermitenly


"Trixie!" "Tommy!"


"I'm sure it's safe otherwise the old guy would of warned us, . . . right?!?"


The two look at each other and then continue to call out, . . . "Trixie, Tommy!"


The kids come running up from another boardwalk . . . "What so important, we were out explorin." "You mean exploring." "No mom, explorin'! Like Pirates." "Pirates huh?!"


Dad chimes in, "Well whats so important is I thought you two might want to go swimming at the hotel pool."


"They have a pool, and we are out here playing in the woods, come on lets go already, I saved my swimsuit from earlier."


"Ewwww, you know that's disposible right?"


"I only used it once."


"Exactly, like it should be."


"O.K, you two cut it out, go ahead, your mother and I will be there shortly, but remember do not get in the water until we get there, understood?"


"Yes Sr." and the two hurry off.


"So what gives.", "Oh nothing I just wanted some peace time with you for a minute without worrying our kids will be devoured by alligators. Isn't this place just so relaxing. I know the creek seems dinky but there is something so calming and soothing about it, I don't know it's hard to explain."


"It's called being on holiday Romeo, come on lets head back before the kids see how deep the can get in and still call it not getting in the water."


The Hawks spent the rest of the afternoon poolside until the sun started to set. Then Vicki reminded everyone that they needed to get cleaned up as they had a dinner appointment with the old man who was going to tell them all about the legend of Ochuse.


"Ah shucks mom, do we really have to listen to his stories, he was trying to tell me about pirates and indians earlier and I told him that was silly, I have only heard of cowboys and indians."


"Well, be nice, and remember it's good to do good deeds for others, he must be a lonely old man out here all alone and our company probably makes him embellish his stories a little, thats all."


The hot Florida sun finally sets just over the horrizon out over the Gulf and the Hawks retreat to their rooms to prepare for their illustrious dinner engagement.










Episode 3: The Legend of Ochuse


The Hawks walk into the dinning room precisely at 8 oclock on the dot only to find it dark and empty.


"See, honey, like I said I think we are on a different time zone, we must be an hour off, the restaurant is not even open."


"You are right on time Sr." resonates a firm voice from behind.


"Oh, there you are, (turning towards the gentelman) Are they even serving yet?, there is no one here."


"Of course there is no one here you are our only guest Sr., not just for diner but of the entire hotel."


"We are?"


"Yes Sr., it's the off season."


"Of course it is, . . . the off season!."


"This way please, I have the perfect table reserved just for the Hawk family."


He then escorts them to a grand ball size room with a single table placed just right overlooking an area of Juniper Creek that is all lit up from underneath the boardwalk as well as the surrounding grounds for night time viewing, a spectacular sight to say the least, especially with that slight salt sea breeze blowing through making everything move in a surreal way by casting shadows across the junglesque landscape.


"Wow dad look at that."


"Yes Tommy, very impresive to say the least.


"Allow me Madam." as he pulls her chair out and glides it gently in nesting her at the table. Victoria nods her head silently giving thanks for his action.


"And you too Madamette." as he does the same for Trixie, "Thank You Sr." as she is more vocal with her apreciation.


Tom and Tommy look at each other while all this is happening and quickly pull out their own chairs and sit in them with Tom almost falling out in the process.


"Are you O.k. dear?", "Yes, just a little hungry I guess."


"I will bring the appetizers right out Sr., may I take your drink order?"


The Hawk family paced their drink order and the Maitre d took off as fast as a jet towards the kitchen. Victoria looks over at Tom., "So peacefull, this is what vacationing is all about, relaxing."


Then Tommy blurts out while Trixie jumps in her seat, "What was that?"


"That was what Tommy?"


"I don't know, something moved out the window."


"Window? What window?, that's an open air wall, on the other side of that railing is pure nature, so what did you see?"


"I don't know it was too fast.", the family all looked at each other, then Tom asks, "How big was it?"


"Big enough to make Tixie jump and me yell."


The Maitre d then walked up and started to place the drinks on the table.


"Here you go everybody, enjoy. I put your appetizers on they will be ready shortly. Anything else?"


Victoria speaks out, "Yes, actually there is. My son and daughter saw something outside . . ."


"No worries Madam, probably just shadow play this is why we use this room for story telling and as soon as I return with your appetizers I will begin your story . . ., and if not then it was only an alligator, bear, or dear nothing to worry about . . .", he continues as he hurries back to the kitchen. "Bears?!?! Alligators?!?, Nothing to worry about? Kids get up . . ."


"But mommmmm!"


"Sit down Vicki, I'm sure it was just a shadow like the Matre d said it was."


"Because I didn't hear anything that's why . . .", just then the breeze picked up and blew through the native leaves and fauna loudly rustling them in the process. Vicki looks at Tom as the two kids look at each other. Tom assures them, "It's just the wind, . . . see."


"I don't know about seeing, but it sure feels nice, kinda cuts down the humidity a little bit."


By now the moon had rose up high above them and was radiantly glowing and lighting everything up with a silver bluish tint. The Maitre d returns and sets up a little table next to ours where he puts the food tray on. Then he methodically places each one on the table as he starts to speak, with almost a different tone of voice then he was using earlier.


"I see everyone has taken notice of the bright moon this night brings us. (he looks them all in the eye as he continues transfering food from one table to the other) It just so happens it was a

moon just like the one tonight that started it all so long ago. In a sense it was the beginning of all time."


Tommy looks over at his dad and makes a facial expression suggesting that the Matre d might be a little off his rocker. Tom makes a silly face back, the two begin to giggle as Victoria kicks Tom under the table, Trixie is now chowing down on a piece of fresh baked warm bread, all while the Maitre d continues on without skipping a beat, "Prior to that one could say time as we know it did not exist. This is the Legend of Ochuse and it all began right here at the Emerald Coast."


The wind kicked up again this time something wicked as the moonglow shadowed over with clouds and the leaves sang even louder than before.


Everyone froze for a second while nature did it's thing . . . no one talked, no one chewed, no one swallowed, not a peep . . . then they all simultaneously continued where they left off.


"As a matter of fact we are not that far from Pensacola Florida. Not many people know this but originally that place was called "The Bay of Ochuse", but our story starts way earlier than that, this is the story of the life of Ochuse and how he set in motion all time . . . But first I must go and check on your entres for this evening. Pardon me as I will be right back, and will continue the Legend of Ochuse . . ."


None could respond orally as they are all gobbling up the yummy appetizers, but they all nodded at him. Then Tommy swallowed his massive bite then spoke, "Is that true dad? Was Pensacola actually named the Bay of Ochuse?"


Vicki was one step ahead of all of them and while still chewing she was already searching for it on the web. She about choked while telling them the answer . . . , "Yes, it is true, maybe there is more to the Legend of Ocuse after all,maybe you two know it alls shouldn't snicker but instead listen you just might learn something."


Tom and Tommy looked at each other, then Tommy shrugged his shoulders while Tom replied as a matter of factly, "But we are on vacation . . .", to wich Victoria only needed to respond with one look, the look of so what.


The wind blew in a gust of air that blew most light weight items off the table, napkins, butter rappers, things like that, and the gust continued to blow as the overall winds picked up.


The Hawks began to secure everything on the table and as the shadow play began playing tricks on them again with the uprising of the weather the Hawks all turned to one another not in fear but more of a nervous what is going to happen next type of feeling. The leaves and fauna were beginning to blow back and forth rustling up a noise unlike any they had ever heard from nature before, the nervous look turned to a hint of fear as all were panicked frozen staring into the shadowplay, then in complete unisen without looking at one another they all muttered to themselves . . .










Episode 4: Pirates & Indians


That next morning, Tommy woke up before everyone else as usual and was feeling a little hungry, so he slipped out of his room p.j.'s and all and sleepishly walked down to the Ice Cream Parlor were he thought he could get something yummy to eat before everyone else woke up.


He slowed his pace walking down one of the hallways as he became enchanted by the paintings that were hung all over the walls. They looked to be of a bygone time, but something just did not seem right as there would be things in the pictures that should not be, . . . but they were so realistic . . .


"May I help you with something young master" a voice speaks from behind, Tommy's eyes get big and he turns around in a panic.


"Oh, it's you. You should really learn not to sneak up on people like that."


"Actually, I learned exactly how to sneak up on people like that."


"Oh . . ., well either way it's not nice, you scared me half to death."


"Well then, I assume the other half is starving, lets say you and I go down to the Ice Cream Parlor and I will wip us up something to eat."


"Wow, it is as if you were reading my mind."


"I see you have taken an interest in the images in the master hallway."


"Yes Sr, they were very interesting, but somehow looked to be fake or make believe."


The two make their way into the Parlor, "Here you go young man, have a seat right here at the bar and I will make us a each a bacon omelette, how does that sound?"


Tommy eyeballing the ice cream freezer and all it's exciting flavors, "Ahhh, that will be ok I guess."


"Here you go Tommy." as he sets a large glass of fresh squized Florida orange juice in front of him, "Now, about those images, those were the days of Pirates and Indians, so your right they probably do look a little bit like make believe as those were different times back then for sure."


"Ah shucks, dont you mean cowboys and indians?"


"No Sr., this is not the wild west this is the wild west of Florida and here there were definately Pirates and Indians, now who is telling the story? Now don't interupt me again, understood?"


"Why, will you tell my parent and get me in trouble?" The Matre D who is acting as Chef at the

moment spins his head around after flipping an omellete, "No silly, I am old, I will lose my place thats all."


"Oh!" the two chuckle as the Matre d spins around and sets two plates down on the bar, he then grabs two sets of utencils as he makes his way around the bar to one of the bar stools where he perches himself next to Tommy.


"Now lets see where were we? Ah yes, Pirates and Indians. You know it's interesting when thinking back, there never seems to be a set starting point or stopping point just one big blur so lets see where would be a good place to begin so you can best understand those times.


Once upon a time Juniper Creek was inhabited by magical beings . . . "


"I thought you said this was going to be about Pirates and Indians?"


"What did I say about interupting me."


"Oh, ya, right, I'm sorry, I will be quite." he stated as he chompped and swallowd a bite of his omellete


"Now, where was I . . . ah yes . . .


Once Upon a Time Juniper Creek was inhabited by magical beings, this whole area was as a matter of fact, because of the springs of course, but we will get into that later, but these magical beings became the protectors and benefactors of the indigenous life forms, . . . all life forms.


Truth be told pirates found this land long before any recorded history mentions and these pirates just loved this area, well at first anyway until nature dealt them a hand they couldnt handle but that will happen later, for now these pirates thought they had found themselves a safe haven oasis. A place that would offer safe harbor for their ships while offering the best of landfall, fresh water, fruit, game, etc . . ., but what the pirates never expected was the lengths the local native indians would go through to protect their secret of the magical beings.


The pirates made their intentions known from the onset that they would do what they please with out regard to any one or any thing else as cannons lay ablazing like clockwork every hour on the hour aimed at the shorline. Especially since this was not their frst time here and this time they came in force as a consortium of pirates from all across the seven seas formed a cabal specifically for this attack as the riches were trying to steal were the most valuable item on the planet.


Eternal Youth


You see these magical beings living deep in these springs all the way down in the aquafer are not originally from here, but from some where far far away.


Our natural springs give them the energy and sustenance they need and as a biproduct their energy naturally releases itself into the water system and anyone that consumes it stays the same age.


There have even been rare cases of it actually turning old men and women back into children.


Later I will tell you about the Spanish arrival and Fountain of Youth, but I thought it best to start here where it all began, with the pirates and indians.


So, like I was saying the pirates showed up in force and started to immediately blast the shorline and the immediate interior with cannon balls.


The locals could care less about the cannon balls as their was almost nothing to destroy as this particular tribe lived among nature untouched, they would literally watch the ball come flying out of the sky follow it with their heads and eyes and watch it go plump in the sand then they would laugh and exchange shells, chocolate and other items as if they were gambling on the accuracy or most likely inacuracy of the landing of the balls. No what bugged them was the loud blast comming from the cannon fire itself, it disrupted the natural peace and energy of the surroundings and all of nature plant and animal could feel it. This feeling was not limited to topside critters either as sound carries underwater as well so all the marine life was disrupted as well.


This went on for days, then finally the pirate ships started to send out scout vessels to survey the land and to hunt for the secret of all secrets, eternal youth, or so they thought.


They searched the beaches yet found nothing, the jungles, yet found nothing. They traveled the waterways and springs and still found nothing.


You see, they never actually knew what they were looking for at the time, they just knew that the locals were very protective and guarding of something very important to them so they figured it had value. But even back then myth and legend leaked of the magical properties of this area Florida's Emerald Coast and what would eventually be known as the Panhandle.


The locals were running circles around these pirates on land as they knew every rock and grass blade by memory.


(The Matre d leans into Tommy), "Now, here is where it gets tricky, these magical beings, their life force is based on their ideology and they are all pacivist by nature.


The locals in order to benefit from the blessings of the waters must also be pacivist for the magic to work.


Without this knowledge, this key, the water might as well be like any other water.


In other words the water is only as pure as the soul that consumes it. (and with that he picks up a jug of fresh squized Florida orange juice and tops of their glasses)


"Please forgive me Sr, I don't mean to interupt but what did they do, . . . the indians and the magical beings."


"They used the only weapon they had at their disposal, patience, and on the 8th night is when it

all happened.


You see for those whos souls are not so pure so to speak the waters turned by the magical beings have the opposite effect. It amplifies the negative in a person and brings out the worst in them, even artificiall aging them. Not only that but this area is well known for what the natives have come to term puke berries, know for their hallucinogenc qualities.


Well lets just say on that 8th night the pirates did not what came over them.


The story is quite funny actually, you see all the Pirate Captains all got together on the lead ship for a pirate meeting. They were all quite proud of themselves and how they had bombarded the natives into oblivion as they put it, and while celebrating with rum and spring water a funny thing happened.


The moon was high in the sky and the entire bay was lit up exposing its emerald sheen flickering in and out of the waves when all of a sudden the Captains heard a cannon shot.


They stopped toasting their rum shot glasses looked at one another with the head of the Pirate Cabal speaking up, "Who gave the order to fire on the coast during our meeti . . ." but before he could finish his question the cannon ball came flying right towards and into their ship striking it like a lightnign bolt and rocking it back and forth.


"Mutiny!!!", yells one of the pirates as they all stand up and withdraw their swords on one another, only by now the battle field across the emeral coast was filling up with smoke as all ships were firing cannon balls at one another as it seems no one knew who was on who's side. Pirate ships firing against pirat ships a raging marine battle that will go down in infamy. One by one, sometimes two or three at a time ships would go under and their lights fade away


The Captains from the Cabal engaged in sword fighting were slowly killing each other off one by one until only one was left to claim the vessel.


The pirate ships had all but sunk one another and the only one that was left was limpng off into the moonlight with a couple of life boats going after it in hot pursuit so as to not be left behind.


This was a great night for all the locals as they watched the whole thing from the shoreline and believe it or not rumor has it that this is the true American origins of popcorn and fireworks, a truly native tradition.